El Socorro to open economy free of COVID-19 Santander: Government authorized El Socorro to lift preventive isolation | Bucaramanga | Present


In his usual speech the President Iván Duque announced there 90 municipalities in the country what did you recieve government authorization to lift mandatory preventive isolation.

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Among them is Relief, which to date is free of COVID-19, has not had a positive case and according to the Minister of the Interior, Alice Arango does not have virus damage.

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That means that the municipality may reactivate all of your economy gradually fulfilling three prerequisites.

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Among them is that the Ministry of Health must certify that this municipality has no affectations for COVID-19; will be elaborated biosafety protocols for opening the activities and finally the Interior Ministry will authorize the respective survey to energize the economy.

In Santander 85 of the 87 municipalities they are free of coronavirus.
