Duque’s campaign manager asks the press not to interview Iván Cepeda


In a letter addressed to the editor of El Pais de España, he President Iván Duque’s campaign manager, Luis Guillermo Echeverri, asked him not to amplify the ideas of Colombian senator Iván Cépeda.

In the letter, Echeverry tells the director of El País, Javier Moreno, that “it is not democratic to give a media showcase to the parliamentary forces of narco-terrorism.”

Read here: Iván Cepeda will denounce the prosecutor Barbosa in the Accusation Commission for the Uribe case

It also expresses that “it cannot be that the media give credit and priority to the illegal story of the bird that shoots shotguns “

And he adds in his communication, “I cannot find the ethical explanation for the big media, in order to gain” clicks “and” ratings “, they are not aware of what is happening in Latin America and believe that what we are witnessing is a simple ideological dispute between left and right. “

In another part of the letter he states: “I cannot find the explanation to allow Iván Cepeda, master of deception, maker of false testimony, modern inquisitor, leader of the parliamentary guerrilla, to amplify as true the fallacy of which he himself is the intellectual, material author and executioner of the human and democratic integrity of one of the most important political leaders in the world and in contemporary democracy “.

Finally it states that “the case of the infamy of justice against former president Uribe, has a much greater significance than people imagine in a globalized world”.
