Dry law in Bogotá | What is the restriction for? – Bogota


This end of the year should be received in sound mind and without alcoholic beverages involved. “In Bogotá there will be a dry law from this December 31 at 00:00 hours until next January 1 at 11:59 pm”, said Claudia López, mayor of the city. The new measure will restrict domiciles and the consumption of intoxicating beverages in public spaces and within homes.

“Both for reasons of care, regarding the pandemic, and for security and coexistence, this end of the year, ‘carrot’; no drink, no parties, no celebrations ”, expressed the president.

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This strategy is applauded by experts, who generally explain that “Liquor disinhibits decision-making, assuming many more risks than necessary (such as taking off the mask, not having distance or not washing hands), thinking that the danger is less”, as Jairo Espinosa, professor at the National University and District advisor regarding the transport of fluids due to covid-19, says.

Another of the main factors, explains Espinosa, is that alcohol limits the senses. “Hearing is reduced, and people start to speak louder,” he adds.

(To continue reading: Mayor Announces Total Prohibition for December 31 and January 1)

Which is very serious considering that “the main transmission mechanism is through the air, and when one shouts or chants many more particles of saliva are produced that are expelled much further, so there is a very large source of contagion ”, as stated by Andrea Ramírez, assistant professor at the Universidad de los Andes School of Medicine, and another of the advisers to the Mayor’s Office.

It should be noted that the imposition of the measure applies mainly to family gatherings, because “according to figures from the Ministry of Health, this class of conglomerates has the highest risk of transmission (even more than health personnel), with a 80 percent chance. Even because the displays of affection may be greater, ”says Luis Jorge Hernández, a public health expert and professor at the Universidad de los Andes.

Hernández also maintains that, although the contagion curve is high (with an ICU bed occupancy of 72 percent), it will remain the same until next week and it could go down depending on what the Bogota citizens do. But they must be accompanied by other measures. “The curfews from 8:00 pm to 6:00 am are convenient because at night the interactions between young people and adults increase, which are contagious and bring the virus to the houses,” he reiterates.

However, although until December 30 alcohol can be ordered at home, experts call for awareness of the context through which you are passing. “The only thing alcohol is going to achieve is to reduce the care that is being maintained until now. Then there will be time to celebrate like this, for now the idea is that the party is as calm and safe as possible, ”says Ramírez.

(Further: What will happen to the peak and plate in Bogotá in the last week of the year?)

