Dry law for Bogotá on December 31 and January 1: details


Thanks to the good results in the city obtained last Christmas Eve, Mayor Claudia Lopez in the company of the Secretary of Security, Hugo Acero; the commander of the Bogotá Police, General Óscar Gómez Heredia and the commander of the XIII Brigade of the Army, General David Gómez; He explained the additional measures taken by the district that will be implemented for the end of the year celebration.

In this sense, after reviewing that, thanks to the measures implemented, on December 24 and 25 homicides were reduced by 25% and personal injuries by 72% in relation to 2019, the district administration made the decision to decree as of this December 31 at 00:00 hours and until next January 1 at 11:59 pm, the total restriction on the sale of alcoholic beverages, in any commercial establishment. Neither will it be possible to make addresses of intoxicating drinks in the capital of the country. This measure seeks to maintain the good behavior of several indicators that improved substantially on Christmas Eve, among which the reduction of sexual crimes and domestic violence with a drop of 80%, and theft from businesses with a reduction of 72% stand out. in addition to the aforementioned.

The Mayor of Bogotá and the Police Commander thanked citizens for their willingness to abide by the established measures, including those implemented for the Colombian Soccer Final, which also showed good results, as there were no fatalities associated with the celebration.

It should be remembered that, both in Bogotá and Cundinamarca, the ban on the use of gunpowder continues, only experts in its handling are authorized. This is because, despite the decrease in the number of gunpowder injuries compared to 2019, there are already 13 minors injured this year.

For its part, from the Police and the district administration will reinforce inspection, surveillance and control in the localities on the prohibition of sale and consumption of liquor, clandestine parties; as well as the use and sale of gunpowder.

Finally, the Mayor asked the citizens who will go on a trip this year-end season to apply the DAR (Detect – Isolate – Report) strategy upon their return, to stay home if they have symptoms and report to their EPS, to Line 123 or CoronApp your health situation and contacts, and comply with your isolation period. And he recalled that, in any case, people who present any symptoms should stay home for 14 days.
