Donald Trump would run for president of the United States in 2024 | Elections USA – Elections United States 2020 – International


The president of the United States, Donald Trump, would be considering the possibility of being a candidate for the 2024 elections. At least that is what several US media have reported that have affirmed that the president Republican has discussed that possibility with his closest associates.

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Instead of talking about a second term, Trump has been talking casually about a possible 2024 campaign, an indication that you know your time as president is coming to an end, at least for now“Affirmed ‘The Washington Post’.

The mandatary -which still does not recognize that he was defeated in the November 3 elections by Democrat Joe Biden- could do so, since in the US it is possible for a president to serve two terms, without necessarily being consecutive, reported the digital newspaper Axios.

“For all those who are celebrating the end of the Trump era, a word of caution: The Trump era is not over,” columnist Marc A. Thiessen said in ‘The Washington Post’ who said Trump could hold the title of having been the 45th and 47th president of the United States.

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Joe biden

The president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden.

And it is that despite losing these elections, Trump has vastly increased his voter base from 2016 and this year garnered more than 70 million votes. In addition, his re-election campaign has a database of phone numbers and email addresses that would be a great asset.

According to Thiessen, that voter base would give Trump the 2024 nomination by the Republican Party if he so chooses.

“He has the most loyal base of any president in modern history and an army of 71 million voters. No Republican in their right mind would challenge him. But if Trump wants to make another run in the White House, the way he handles the next few months will be decisive, “says the columnist, who assures that the president you will have a limited time to follow up on your election fraud complaints, about which you have not presented any evidence, and to assist in the transition of power for Biden.

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No Republican in their right mind would challenge him. But if Trump wants to make another run in the White House, how he handles the next few months will be decisive.

In addition, the result of the second round of the Senate elections in the state of Georgia could depend on your position, where two seats are up for grabs and that could give Democrats control of the Upper House.

Among those who think Trump could target him in the 2024 election race is his former chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, according to a USA Today report. “I would absolutely expect the president to stay involved in politics and it would put him on the short list of people likely to run in 2024, ”Mulvaney said.

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But the Republican leader’s plans would not only include the 2024 election, but also the creation of its own digital television channel online once you leave the White House. According to Axios, it would be an attempt to subtract influence from what has been his favorite network for most of his presidency, Fox News.

* With Efe

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