Donald Trump estimates that coronavirus vaccine is ready before the end of the year


“We believe we will have a vaccine before the end of the year. The antidote will be available sooner rather than later ”Donald Trump said on the news network during the relaunch of his presidential campaign.

The president, likewise, pointed out that there are currently many American companies, such as Johnson & Johnson, they are very close to finding an efficient cure to counteract the coronavirus.

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Like Bill Gates, Trump assured in the news that the COVID-19 vaccine will be the fastest developed and produced in the entire history of humanity. “These things usually take 5 or 10 years. The truth is, I don’t care if another country does it before, the only thing that interests me is that it works ”, added.

The president finally blamed the Chinese government again for the uncontrolled spread that the virus has had around the world. “They chose not to stop the coronavirus, we have to find out why. It could have been incompetence ”, concluded.


The World Health Organization (WHO), for its part, He assured a week ago that there are five vaccines against coronavirus that are being tested in humans, two in China, one in the United States, one in Germany and one in the United Kingdom., the latter would be available in September.

Currently, there are several countries and pharmaceutical companies that are working on an efficient cure to combat COVID-19, which has so far caused more than 247,000 deaths worldwide.
