Donald Trump denies that he has ties to the armed incursion in Venezuela – USA and Canada – International


The President of the United States, Donald Trump, denied on Tuesday that his government is linked to an alleged plot to overthrow the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, as he assured the previous day accusing two Americans.

“I have just been informed,” Trump told reporters on the White House lawn.

“It has nothing to do with our government”he added. Maduro on Monday exposed two Americans detained in a failed “invasion” by sea of ​​Venezuela as Trump’s “members of security”. These are Luke Denman, 34, and Airan Berry, 41, according to the Chavista ruler, who showed his passports and other documents on state television.

(Also read: Guaidó disassociates himself from an alleged military incursion against Maduro)

Earlier on Monday, the prosecution accused opposition leader Juan Guaidó of hiring “mercenaries” with Venezuelan funds blocked by Washington sanctions, in order to launch the “invasion” attempt.

That alleged attempt was denounced a little over a year after Guaidó’s failed attempt to lead a military uprising against Maduro, whom he considers a “usurper.” The army is the main support of the Venezuelan ruler, who is also backed by China, Russia and Cuba.

