Diego Molina posed next to the body without clothes


Argentina and Diego Maradona fans have had Diego Molina between their eyes for a couple of days, one of the three funeral directors who took photos with the corpse of the eternal ’10’ when his body was already resting in the coffin, hours before his wake began.

Molina was the protagonist of the first image that went viral of Maradona’s corpse and that is why he was the one that generated the most rejection in the football world. Hours after his reprehensible act, it was learned that barristas were looking for him from heaven and earth to get revenge for what he did.

However, the former employee of the Pinier funeral home (he was fired as soon as it was known what he did) not only took a photo with the body of the popular Diego. Molina also got involved at the time when ’10’ was being enlisted in the coffin and He took a ‘selfie’ next to Maradona’s body without clothes on the trunk.

This was evidenced in another image that has already gone viral on social networks. The photo is being disclosed by WhatsApp and its authenticity is notorious. As in the first photo that was known, the undertaker posed smiling for the camera, something that outraged the followers of the Argentine idol much more.

This Friday one of the people who was also photographed next to the ’10’ put the face. That man apologized and assured that the image was not taken with his cell phone and that he had no control over its publication.

The authorities are conducting the necessary investigations to determine what punishment may befall Molina, who from the same day the controversial photos were known ran away from his home.
