Diego Maradona: what is a subdural hematoma and what is surgery like – Health


The soccer legend Diego Armando Maradona will be operated on this Tuesday for a subdural hematoma, as reported by his personal physician, Leopoldo Luque.

“I am going to operate it. It is a routine operation. He is lucid, ”Luque said in a brief press conference outside the hospital where the star who has just turned 60 is hospitalized.

Maradona will be taken in an ambulance from a sanatorium in La Plata, 60 km to the south, to the Olivos Clinic, north of Buenos Aires, where the surgery will be performed.

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The former Albiceleste captain, 60, had been admitted on Monday for a series of medical check-ups due to discomfort, but in a CT scan the bruise was found, possibly the product of a blow, according to the local press.

What is it?

A subdural hematoma occurs when there is a pool of blood under the covering of the brain. The blood comes from small veins that have ruptured. Blood leaks out of the veins, forming a pocket that sticks out and puts pressure on the brain. If the bag is big enough, it can press down and damage the part of the brain around it.

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What causes it?

According to the neurologist Gustavo Castro, this accumulation of blood It is usually caused by a blow to the head, although on rare occasions it can occur without apparent cause. However, there are some risk factors that favor its appearance, such as advanced age, due to the fact that the vessels of the brain weaken, making them more prone to rupture, even with minor trauma.

It has also been found that the long-term consumption of alcohol or some medications that interfere with clotting favor its appearance, as well as repeated blows to the head.

How is it diagnosed?

Castro insists that the diagnosis is generally clinical through an examination that reveals neurological affectations such as loss of sensation, movement, consciousness, or impairment of any of the senses. This can be confirmed with an image such as CT or MRI that determines the exact extent and site of the injury.

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How is it treated?

Treatment depends on several factors, among which are the severity of the compromise, neurological deterioration and even the time of evolution. And in that sense, management can range from the observation and application of specific medications to stop bleeding. until surgery to drain the blood when the amounts and the site where it is accumulated seriously affect neurological performance.

What is the prognosis?

Although the course is generally favorable, in some cases the effects of the hematoma cannot be fully resolved with these interventions, especially in older people. The patient will always have to spend a time that is counted in days in hospitalization. During this period, their vital signs and their evolution are followed to control that there are no more bleeding and when it stabilizes, a comprehensive rehabilitation plan must be entered to recondition losses and recover functions.

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