Diego Maradona: the chats between the children and the doctors about the Argentine’s health – International Football – Sports


“In conclusion, I think we should think about getting a clinician HEADER“he wrote in a group of WhatsApp Dalma Maradona on November 14, when his father, Diego Maradona, had been in the neighborhood house for three days Saint Andrew, in Benavídez, in Tigre, after having been operated on for a “subdural hematoma”.

His interlocutors were his sister Gianinna, his Italian brother Diego and the psychiatrist Agustina Cosachov, who attended the world soccer star in the last time.

(You may be interested: The serious revelation about Maradona’s health days before his death)

Shortly after that chat from Dalma, Diego Junior asked if the new doctor “will walk with Leopoldo Luque“, the neurosurgeon who attended Maradona for four years and that on November 3 he had operated on the star. Maradona’s eldest daughter replied: “Leopoldo is a neurosurgeon and what we are talking about is a general practitioner”.

In part of the virtual conversation, Cosachov -that in the case where the circumstances surrounding Maradona’s death are being investigated, he declared as a witness- he asked if they wanted her to contact the clinician and proposed someone who was also a specialist in toxicology and who had seen Diego before the internment. To that, Gianinna He replied: “I’m going to start investigating.” In the chats it was also commented that the ex-footballer, 60, only asked for “more privacy.”

(Also read: Maradona’s doctor appeared to testify before the Prosecutor’s Office)

This exchange, added to other elements, allows us to glimpse the heart of the concern of the heirs of the mythical captain of the Selection: how to take care of Maradona in the convalescence after the operation and in view of the basic problems that complicated his health, with what and how many resources to do them and, especially, who would be professionally at the head of those efforts.

The suspicion that there may have been a negligence in that special care that the Diez required (given its conjunctural situation and its background) is precisely the axis of the investigation for alleged wrongful death that is in charge of the prosecutor of Benavídez Laura Capra and the deputy attorneys general of San Isidro, Patricio Ferrari and Cosme Iribarren.

The decision to form a special team of investigators was made by the attorney general of San Isidro, John Broyad, shortly after he learned of Maradona’s shocking death, last Wednesday.

(Also: Maradona’s doctor is charged with manslaughter)

Therapeutic continuity

THE NATION also had access to the document in which the “externalization” of Maradona from the Olivos Clinic, where he had been operated on for a “subdural hematoma”; in that document it was recommended as necessary to establish the continuity of the treatment after leaving the medical center.

“The Swiss Medica prepaidHe proposed to continue with a psychiatric, clinical and rehabilitation and toxicological treatment under the modality of hospitalization in a rehabilitation center with a psychiatric support team, but the proposal was not accepted by the family, “the document stated.

(We recommend: Cardona double, dedication to Maradona and crying of his daughter Dalma)

In the following paragraph, as recorded in the file, “the treating medical team (Leopoldo Luque and Cosachov) prescribed, and the family accepted, the follow-up and home health care of the patient, and requested Swiss Medical accompaniment with home nursing care and therapeutic accompaniment. “The document is signed by Luque, Gianinna and Jana Maradona and a representative of the Clinic Olives.

