Did Marta Lucía Ramírez compare Álvaro Uribe with Jesus Christ?


Vice President Marta Lucía Ramírez made her comment more than 15 hours after former President Álvaro Uribe trinized this Thursday, admitting the “deterioration” of his “reputation” reflected in the Cifras y Conceptos survey.

In that poll, known as the ‘Opinion Panel’, in which 2,004 leaders of the country were consulted, including congressmen, councilors, journalists and businessmenUribe, one of the most influential politicians in the country, occupies the seventh place, after Jorge Enrique Robledo, Iván Cepeda, Angélica Lozano, Gustavo Petro, Roy Barreras and Luis Fernando Velasco.

Uribe recognized his situation and commented: “It saddens me.” And in an act of solidarity, the vice president calls him president again (despite the fact that the president is Iván Duque), and directs her a reflection that, from her perspective, reflects the human condition. (It is transcribed verbatim in its entirety)

“President Uribe, ingratitude is innate to human beings,” Ramírez wrote on Twitter, and then added the comment that they criticize:

“We have always seen it and in the case of Jesus Christ we saw that he collected hatred, despite the fact that he did so much good for humanity,” says the vice president. “The gratification of serving others is in the service itself and yours has been very great!”

And there was Troy. In response to his trill, users of that social network wrote things like “Compare AUV with Jesus…! Uribismo out of context !! ” or “These people are already passing. Supposed to compare that man with Jesus Christ. Cults are definitely worse than drugs ”, among many others, even risqué.

Others looked at the detail of saying “president” to Uribe, when his condition is clearly that of former president:

“He gave the vice presidency for trilling on the matter with a comparison that some have found unfortunate. Having so much example …“Said Gustavo Gómez, director of the newscast ‘6 AM Hoy por hoy’, on Caracol Radio, who also referred to the issue.

“Well now half the world is on the networks saying that Marta Lucía compares Uribe with Jesus Christ,” he said, and also made a recommendation: “You trills, you solve it. Is that they should tell him [a la vicepresidenta] that Twitter is bad for your health. Doctor Marta Lucía, vice president, drop that Twitter. It is a little advice that I give him ”.
