Diana Calderón scold Marta L. Ramírez for not wearing a mask


Calderón criticized Marta Lucía Ramírez regarding the photos that were known from her trip to Vaupés, on October 16, where she was distributing markets to vulnerable families without wearing a mask.

“Very delicate, because if the vice president was already infected and there are infections, this is a very serious investigation. He can be vice president and whatever he wants, but he has to set an example, “said the journalist.

Ramírez excused herself by saying that she had taken off her mask due to the suffocating heat, and that she was photographed just at that moment, but Diana Calderón was against this explanation by saying that it is not the only time that they have taken photos without the use of protection.

It is that you cannot remove your mask, even if you are hot, and hopefully it has not infected the president, which indeed needs other tests because that day was very recent, as we say, for that viral load, “added the director of the Caracol Radio Information Service.

Calderón also reproached the official for not abiding by the biosafety regulations and therefore asked that there be “consequences” in this case, and the station mentioned the investigation against Mayor Claudia López for going out to market in quarantine with her partner, the Senator Angélica Lozano, who was fined for that.

“Very delicate, Dr. Marta Lucía Ramírez. It is a shame that this is happening in the country, that you are the vice president of the Republic and you take off your mask in confirmed events, that the photos are on your page of the Vice Presidency and that it is proven, ”he said.

Photos of Marta Lucía Ramírez in meetings and without masks

The journalist made a count of the times that Ramírez has been portrayed in public events and private meetings without her mask, despite the fact that there are people very close to her who do wear it.

“Without a mask over and over again, October 13, 16, 22. Only the places change … “ Calderón wrote in a trill, after a collaborator of his at the station warned that, according to sources, Ramírez “is not in the habit of wearing masks either” at events he attends.

As Ramírez announced that the members of his work team had already been tested for coronavirus and that it came back negative, a journalist from Caracol Radio assured that a source confirmed to the station that “The National Institute of Health warned that they should do a second test, this Thursday, for the time it takes to incubate the disease.”

Faced with criticism for not protecting himself and for having tested positive for COVID-19, Ramírez trilled from his isolation site to recommend that the public be more careful and always wear a mask.
