Data and figures on deaths from coronavirus in Colombia – Data


Almost two months after the arrival of the new coronavirus, Colombia has 253 deaths and 5597 confirmed cases. Although, according to experts, deaths and infections will increase in the country during May, the current situation is less dramatic compared to that experienced in other countries.

The United States adds more than 55 thousand deaths and 1 million infections. All over the world, there are already more than 208 thousand deceased. A few weeks ago, in countries like Italy and Spain, more than 800 people died daily. In Colombia, the Ministry of Health has confirmed a maximum of 20 deaths in one day.

So far, the mortality rate in Colombia is 4.5%. The city most affected by deaths is Bogotá, where 35.1% of deaths have occurred. It is followed by Cali, with 15.4% and Cartagena, with 7.5%.

In the case of the departments, 18.9% of deaths are concentrated in Valle del Cauca. Bolívar contributes 8.6%, Magdalena, 5.5% and Cundinamarca, 4.3%.

Because 83.3% of those who died had some comorbidity, it is confirmed that covid-19 generally affects people with an adverse health history. Dtotal deaths to date, 4 out of 10 people suffered from high blood pressure; 2 out of 10 had COPD and 2 out of 10 had diabetes.

Although it is true that covid-19 can be more lethal in people with some type of comorbidity, 9% of the deceased had no history, so it is necessary to take care of yourself and attend to all the recommendations given. Likewise, there is no information on the presence or absence of comorbidities for 8% of the deceased.

Regarding the age range, more than half (53.7%) of deaths occurred in people between 60 and 79 years old. 19.7% of deaths were in the population aged 40 to 59 years; another 19.7%, in people between 80 and 99 years.

The youngest person to die from covid-19 was a 1-month-old, 1-week-old baby. A 98-year-old man, resident of Ocaña (Santander), is the oldest person who has died from the virus.

Finally, 62.8% of deaths occurred in the biological male sex and 37.1% in the female sex.

