Critical situation in the Amazon with dozens of infected with coronavirus


The Amazon reached 37 people infected with the COVID-19 virus, it has already passed in the national list to other departments that since last month had presented positive cases, such as Boyacá, Cauca, Córdoba, and is close to surpassing others such as Santander and Tolima.

The health crisis in that part of the country is such that the governor declared the department in emergency and asked the National Government to help him with financial and in-kind resources to improve the capacity of the few hospitals there. On the contrary, the precarious health system of the Amazon won’t take long to collapse.


Local authorities are also overly concerned with the fact that share border with Brazil and Peru, two countries that are showing sustained growth in coronavirus cases.

“We need to expedite the shipment of resources to the Amazon. We need ambulances, protection elements, more doctors, health personnel, nursing professionals, we need that help from the central government“Said the governor of the Amazon, Jesús Galdino, in a video.

The Amazon reached 37 cases in just one week since the first one was confirmed there, presenting a faster increase than that of many other departments of the national territory.
