Cristian Muñoz will replace Nairo Quintana in the World Cup


The Colombian Cycling Federation confirmed that Cristian Muñoz, UAE Emirates team rider, will be the replacement for Nairo Quintana in the national team that will represent the country in the Cycling World Cup, an event that begins this Thursday and will have its elite men’s event on Sunday.

In this way, Muñoz, 24, will complete the team of eight cyclists who will start the 160-kilometer route that will have the goal in the Italian town of Imola.

The Colombian team of the elite event will be made up of: Rigoberto Urán, Sergio Higuita, Daniel Felipe Martínez, Sergio Luis Henao, Miguel Ángel López, Esteban Chaves, Harold Tejada and Cristian Muñoz.

This Tuesday the first training session was held with several of the national cyclists who were called up for the orbital contest, in which the members of the women’s team will also appear: Paula Patiño, Daniela Atehortúa and Carolina Upegui.

Egan Bernal asked not to be taken into account for the World Cup due to the injury that made him withdraw from the Tour de France, while Nairo presented the same reasons and is now facing the preliminary investigation in that country that the Marseille prosecutor’s office recently opened on suspicion of doping.

  • Women’s Time Trial (Thursday, September 24)
  • Men’s Time Trial (Friday, September 25)
  • Elite women’s event (Saturday, September 26)
  • Men’s elite test (Sunday, September 27)
