Covito: A dog has waited for his master, who died of covid-19, for a month – People – Culture


A man died of covid-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus, and, as in the story of the film ‘Hachiko’, his dog has been waiting for him outside a hospital in Mexico for 30 days.

Covito is the name of this Creole dog that does not separate from the door of the General Hospital of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas state.

(You can also read: Stray dog ​​slept in a manger and they finally gave her a home).

Her story became known on social networks because the hospital staff associated her with the film named above, which narrates the life of a dog that waited for its late owner, played by Richard Gere, at a train station until the last day of his life.

(Also: Video: moment when 2 golden dogs were abandoned by their owner).


As they did not know his name, the health center workers called him Covito, an ironic and sad name for the cause of his master’s death. But this dog brings joy to those who pass by.

Dulce, administrative head of the area in charge of caring for the hospital’s covid-19 patients, assured the Mexican newspaper ‘El Mañana’ that Covito is very affectionate and is loved by all the staff.

“This little dog gives us a lot of happiness. Whenever he sees us and accompanies us from the coronavirus area to the general hospital area. Even though it’s 5 in the morning, he’s standing at the door”, He detailed.

Covito, the dog that waits for his master with covid-19, who will no longer return

Covito anxiously waits for his master to cross the hospital door.


Facebook: Sin Frontera Magazine

(Also read: Five dogs tested positive for covid-19 in Mexico).

He also noted that he has become so close to the place that the security guard asks people not to call the kennel and They are all concerned that the dog is well fed, sleeps well and is in excellent health.

To help him, they gave him a blanket and the dog uses it to sleep on a piece of cardboard.

Covito is docile with everyone who comes close to him and he won the love of patients and doctors. In addition, the hospital staff said, whenever he sees someone leave, he runs excitedly to the door to see if it is his owner.

(You can also read: Story of the woman who shares her house with 1,300 homeless dogs).


There are many cases like this. The best known, without a doubt, is that of the dog Hachiko, who was born in Odate (Japan), in 1923, and was adopted by a teacher whom he waited for at the Shibuya train station every afternoon when he came home from work.

Although he only shared two years with his owner, who died in 1925 from a stroke, he continued to wait for him at the station until he died. In front of that place there is a statue of the dog, in honor of his loyalty.

Hachico, movie Always by your side

Image from the movie ‘Hachiko’, which tells the story of the dog Hachiko, who waited for his owner at a train station after he died.

(You may also be interested in: ‘Hachiko’ and dogs who loved their owners until after death).


In May, a dog called Xiobao (Little Treasure, in Spanish) waited for its owner, for more than three months, outside the Taikang Hospital, located at the origin of the coronavirus pandemic, Wuhan. The man had also died from covid-19.

The canine was also Creole and was seven years old. Although a person close to the deceased tried to take him home, the animal always returned to wait for its owner.

* With information from La Nación (GDA – Argentina)
