Covid-19 reinfection: a man is infected twice and the second infection is “more severe”


  • James Gallagher
  • Health and Science Correspondent, BBC News


Professor Paul Hunter of the University of East Anglia says the case is “very worrying” due to the small gap between the two infections and the severity of the second.

A young man in the United States contracted Covid-19 twice and the second infection was much more serious than the first, says a medical report.

On the second occasion, the individual, a 25-year-old from Nevada, had to undergo treatment at a hospital after suffering respiratory failure.

Reinfections remain rare and the young man recovered, but this report published by the British magazine Infectious Diseases Lancet raises questions about how much immunity can be developed against the virus.

The affected patient had no known health problems or immune disorders that made him particularly vulnerable to covid-19.
