Covid-19 in Bogotá police station: 12 positive cases of COVID-19 detected in two Police stations | Bogota


The Personería of Bogotá requested the District Administration and the Metropolitan Police take all necessary measures to protect the lives of persons deprived of liberty, uniformed and administrative servers of the Fontibón and Kennedy Police stations before the finding of 12 positive cases of Covid-19, of 7 detainees and 5 agents.

It was recommended to close both stations, place detainees, police officers and administrative personnel in isolation for at least 14 days, monitor and test the Coronavirus in the family environment of these people or with whom they had contact. Detainees are asked to relocate to a safe place, not to another prison station or facility.

The National Government was also exhorted to take substantive measures such as urgent adaptation of temporary isolation centers for those deprived of liberty in order to truly face overcrowding and authorize the District to build a new prison that allows dignified and respectful treatment.

Despite repeated calls for attention from the Ombudsman, comprehensive health conditions, sanitation and overcrowding of the stations persist. On average, the stations have an over occupancy of 145%. In Kennedy it is 140% and Fontibón 110%. The worst are San Cristóbal with 493% and Los Mártires with 420%.

As of May 7, 1,148 people were in the stations of the city when its maximum shelter capacity is 472 detained. The situation worsened. Before the quarantine began, on March 18, there were 1,053 detainees.

The District has provided some face masks, soap, gloves, and biosecurity items., while the District Public Ministry has carried out training regarding the preventive measures of Covid-19, however, some uniformed personnel do not accept prevention and protection measures.

The Personería asked the Police to order its personnel, especially those from the stations, URI and CTP, to abide by the biosafety measures or to impose the sanctions that may be necessary, since they patrol the city and have contact not only with their families but with all the capitals.

In the stations there are also no basic sanitation protocols and solid waste management nor are the fumigation records of the physical areas known. and the programming to be carried out during the pandemic.

Stations They do not have places of isolation or treatments for people with infectious contagious diseases. INPEC health care is practically nil.
