COVID 19 has taken 4 from the same family in Santa Marta


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A Samaria family lives the greatest drama that the Coronavirus has perhaps caused in the country, seeing how four of its members have died. The father, the mother, a son and the uncle, all older adults, have been the victims.

The deaths occurred in a period not exceeding 20 days, a situation that led the health sector to take special measures with the rest of the family, who – according to this newspaper – currently do not suffer from the disease, since the tests they carried out showed a negative result.

This family is silent, takes refuge in their pain and cries out that the virus is gone forever. Friends of the family say they never imagined that something like this could happen to them. They maintain that they have prayed a lot for this pandemic to come to an end and stop bringing sadness to the homes of the world.

A similar misfortune had been lived by another family that at the beginning of the pandemic (in March) saw a couple of long-term husbands die.

The 65-year-old daughter was seriously ill in an Intensive Care Unit but managed to recover, being discharged amid applause. Others in the family recovered at home.


COVID 19 leaves 24 people dead in Magdalena, 18 of them in Santa Marta. 2 in Ciénaga, 2 in Puebloviejo, one in El Banco and another in the Banana Zone. There are 263 confirmed cases in the Department, of which Santa Marta has 190.

The District Health Secretariat reported that of 44 health professionals infected with COVID 19 in Santa Marta, 15 are already recovered. According to the report 43 infected are in isolation at home and one in ICU with stable evolution.

To date, the people associated with health that have been infected in five healthcare centers in Santa Marta are 8 doctors, 18 nurses, 5 heads of nursing, 2 physical therapists, 3 security guards, 2 people from the general service and 6 from the administrative staff.

On the other hand, it was learned that in compliance with the guidelines of the National, Departmental and District Government, the Public Services Company of the Santa Marta District, -ESSMAR-ESP, continues with the cleaning and disinfection of parks, avenues, monuments and streets of the city.

Laboratory endorsement

Soon Magdalena will be able to have faster and more timely figures, after the departmental Public Health Laboratory completed two days of reviewing the facilities of the Molecular Biology Laboratory of the University of Magdalena, under the quality standards established in resolution 1619 of 2015 of the Ministry of Health.

This determined that “it is in optimal conditions for conducting diagnostic tests for COVID -19”.

“We found that the University is strengthened in the components of infrastructure and trained human resources, today they receive the endorsement because they have 93.8% compliance with quality standards,” said Beatriz Maestre, official of the Public Health Laboratory.

In this way, the issuance of the authorization by the National Institute of Health, INS, is expected in the following days to begin the work of tests, taking into account that at this time they are sent to the capital of the Republic to its analysis, a fact that delays the process of diagnosis and immediate action required in these circumstances.

The health authorities reiterated the call for self-care and to heed the guidelines issued by the National Government to avoid further contagion.

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