Covid-19 cases in Antioquia


The Sectional Secretariat of Health of Antioquia, reported for today December 8, active cases of covid-19 in the department.

According to the report, 766 new cases were presented, thus adding a total of 223,435.

All cases have been previously identified, placed in isolation and under the corresponding epidemiological surveillance. With these new cases, the number of infected people in Antioquia rises to 223,435. Of these 114,018 are women and 109,417 are men.


Of the assets, there are 2,248 cases in Medellín and the remaining 2,401 are distributed as follows in the following municipalities: Rionegro (382), Bello (340), Envigado (222), Itagüí (213), Sabaneta (105), La Ceja (100 ), Caldas (95), Copacabana (76), Carmen de Viboral (67), Barbosa (64), Marinilla (55), Guarne (50), La Estrella (44), Girardota (40), El Retiro (35) , La Unión (33), Apartadó (25), Donmatías (23), Jardín (23), Urrao (22), Andes (22), Santa Rosa de Osos (16), Puerto Berrío (16), Ciudad Bolívar (16 ), Giraldo (14), Segovia (13), Cisneros (12), El Peñol (12), San Vicente (11), El Santuario (11), Caicedo (10), Santa fe de Antioquia (10), Amagá ( 10), Yarumal (10), El Bagre (9), Betulia (9), Betania (9), La Pintada (9), Fredonia (7), San Luis (7), Dabeiba (7), San Juan de Urabá (7), Turbo (7), San Roque (6), Cocorná (6), Sopetrán (6), Remedios (6), Guatapé (6), Támesis (5), Angelópolis (5), San Jerónimo (5) , Jericó (5), Entrerríos (4), Santa Bárbara (4), Sonsón (3), Venice (3), Caucasia (3) , Nariño (3), Gómez Plata (3), Carepa (3), Guadalupe (3), Salgar (3), Yolombó (3), Yondó (3), Titiribí (2), Ituango (2), Briceño (2 ), Maceo (2), Puerto Nare (2), Cañasgordas (2), Chigorodó (2), Alejandría (2), Vegachí (2), Amalfi (2), Buriticá (2), Anorí (2), San José de la Montaña (2), Mutatá (2), Concepción (1), San Pedro de los Milagros (1), Abriaquí (1), Abejorral (1), Vigía del Fuerte (1), Frontino (1), Necoclí ( 1), Santo Domingo (1), Pueblorrico (1), Belmira (1), San Pedro de Urabá (1), Concordia (1), Liborina (1), San Andrés de Cuerquia (1), Puerto Triunfo (1) , Hispania (1) and Montebello (1).

Regarding patients from other departments, there are (3) hospitalized people. From Chocó (1) in general hospitalization, from Boyacá (1) in general hospitalization and from San Andrés Islas (1) in general hospitalization.

Regarding ICU beds in the department, among which are those destined for the care of patients with COVID19 and patients with other pathologies, Antioquia has a total of 1,241 beds. Of these there are, to date, 944 occupied like this: 297 with COVID patients, 109 COVID suspects and 538 non-COVID. Thus, the occupancy of ICU beds in the department today is 76.07%.
