Couple married in hospital and the groom died hours later from coronavirus


A nurse managed everything upon learning that the couple, who had been in the relationship for 15 years, had neither the money nor the time for the wedding.

John Wright is a medical epidemiologist who heads the Bradford Health Research Institute in England, and is writing a journal for the BBC newspaper, in which he reported the situation witnessed by nurse Sophie Bryant-Miles.

This young woman, recently graduated, learned the history of the couple. Along with a man receiving palliative care was his fiancée. After a chat, he discovered that they had been married for 15 years, but due to different circumstances they had not been able to join.

It occurred to the nurse to organize a ceremony and she allied herself with the hospital chaplain, who agreed to unite them religiously. The same nurse says that, in addition to figuring out some foil rings, they decided to contact the couple’s daughter through Facetime to witness the wedding.

“She knew he had only a few more hours to live, and I think they both felt this would be the last thing they could do together. At least they would have this final memory together, ”Sophie told the British outlet.

There were no tuxedos, nor was there a long train. Instead, both the guests and the bride and groom wore bioprotective suits, face masks, and face masks.

The woman can hardly say her words, as tears cut her speech. The sick patient was also unable to deliver his speech very well, since his breathing was affected by the disease.

The marriage was achieved, but hours later that appointment of the religious was fulfilled: “until death separates them.
