could lower wages in Colombia


The employers’ proposal has already been sent by President Duque and consists of wages being paid as follows: a percentage for the Government, another for employers and another for workers. The idea is that the payment is co-financed in equal parts.

The initiative, which bears the model of “Everybody Put”, was presented within the framework of the Gremial Council that was held yesterday (Wednesday) to the Minister of Finance, Alberto Carrasquilla.

In other words, the Government is responsible for a percentage (33%), employers are responsible for another (33%) and workers (33%) with their collaboration, according to the recomposition of wages, which is allowed in the Substantive Labor Code, make an additional effort ”, explained the president of Fenalco, Jaime Alberto Cabal, quoted by CM &.

This payment model would be for the duration of the coronavirus emergency. However, it has not been approved by the Government, which would make a pronouncement in this regard in the coming hours.


The proposal comes after knowing the bad moment that various sectors in Colombia are experiencing due to the emergency. Some of them publicly announced that they have nothing to pay for their workers’ payroll.

Specifically, they are companies in the hotel sector and a large part of the MSMEs in the country, which call on the government because they consider themselves the most affected within the framework of the measures adopted to confront the pandemic. Also, because, they assure, the banks do not want to approve loans.

Another of the arguments of these companies is that they have had to pay payrolls and have all their work stopped due to prevention decisions.
