Cost of a COVID-19 diagnostic test


This value, according to the radio channel, includes the taking of the sample and applies to “the entire General System of Social Security in Health and all its agents and actors”.

Some IPS were already doing these tests in a particular way, said the station, which cited examples such as Idime’s (which is charging between 220,000 and 250,000 pesos).

This medium highlighted that, if signed, this draft resolution is very important at the moment, since it would affect various determinations regarding protocols that have to do with the cost of these exams.

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In the Dimayor —for example, says Caracol— there was talk of a cost over 600,000 pesos, they were already trading among football clubs.

There was also speculation about import costs, but, according to the radio frequency, this would be settled with the price that the Ministry of Health would establish, if the regulation were signed.

The document explains that this is done taking into account that, “together with social distancing and respiratory hygiene, the detection of infection cases becomes more effective in order to prevent the spread of the pandemic, taking into account that there is still no vaccine or antiviral drug. “

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The established value will be in force until the end of the pandemic, added the radio outlet.

In ‘La Luciérnaga’, from Caracol Radio, the journalist Pascual Gaviria highlighted the importance of this measure, since some private companies pay their employees the test and “Setting a price limit would help increase the number of tests done in the country.”
