COROVAVIRUS: “Pico y cédula” in double digits since May 15 in Barranquilla | Barranquilla


Mayor Jaime Pumarejo Heins announced that from This Friday, May 15 and until May 25, a new 2-digit ‘pico y cédula’ calendar will come into effect in Barranquilla, making this movement restriction more flexible due to mandatory preventive isolation, according to a press release from the Mayor’s Office. .

“Taking into account data, such as the rate of infection and people’s behavior, and talking with experts and specialists, at some moments we have taken more demanding, more rigorous measures, and at other times more flexible. Today we announce that we are going to make a modification to the ‘pico y cédula’, and as of this Friday, May 15, we will return to double digits, ”said the district president.

He explained that “in Barranquilla they have opened and to various sectors of the economy, large, medium and small companies, even today we were with the booksellers of ‘Casa Vargas’, in the city center, and they have given an example that you can work in a responsible way and without exposing ourselves needlessly”.

New ‘pico y cédula’ from May 15

Friday May 15 2-3

Saturday May 16 4-5

Sunday, May 17 6-7

Monday May 18 8-9

Tuesday May 19 0-1

Wednesday May 20 2-3

Thursday May 21 4-5

Friday May 22 6-7

Saturday May 23 8-9

Sunday May 24 0-1

Monday May 25 2-3

How are we going in Barranquilla

Electricaribe has not helped at all during this quarantine: Noguera

Mayor Pumarejo gave a list of some of the figures that show how we are doing in Barranquilla: “For example, we went from having a single test processing center to today having three that process simultaneously, and that allows us to have faster results and make more efficient decisions.

He specified that “Today, Wednesday, May 13, we have taken 6,499, we have isolated and identified 515 positive patients, 73 of them are already recovered, 28 are hospitalized and 2 are in the Intensive Care Unit, the rest are recovering at home.”

He explained that “In the morning of today, as usual, we met with 12 doctors, academics and biologists from our public health panel, we were with them analyzing hospital capacity, their numbers, the trends of our indicators that measure how we are doing in the pandemic and projections over the next few months of those same indicators. “

Pedagogical actions

The president of the Barranquilleros highlighted the iImportance of the actions that will be developed soon: “Now they follow pedagogical actions and house to house, in the mass media and social networks. Characters, academia and companies that are part of our advisory, communication and behavior team will be added ”.

And he reiterated the key role of all Barranquilla residents to overcome the health emergency: ‘We count on each one of the citizens, it is up to you to return to work and that we are all well, put your face mask over your nose and over your mouth, wash your hands and do not hit anyone. Barranquilla does not let its guard down, but it is up to you to get out of this fast and strengthened. ”
