Coronavirus: protocols to be complied with by residents and call centers – Government – Politics


This Thursday, President Iván Duque announced, along with the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz, that they have established new protocols that messengers, residents and contact centers must comply with to contain the spread of the coronavirus in the country.

(You may be interested: The news in the academic calendar after government decree)

The protocol established by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection is aimed at call centers, technical support, data processing and shared services, as well as home services, messaging and digital platforms:

– Clean and disinfect at least three times a day in bathrooms, common areas, handles, elevators, turnstiles, doors, coffee machines and ATMs, if any. Likewise, twice in floors, divisions, furniture, chairs, jobs, computers and lockers.

– At each shift change, work items such as keyboards, screens, mice, telephones and headbands must be cleaned and disinfected. Weekly, specialized disinfection must be done with vaporizers on all floors and common areas or as soon as a case is identified.

– Face-to-face meetings should be avoided. If it can only be this way, the distance of 2 meters between people must be taken into account, guaranteeing ventilation and that all participants wear masks.

– Shift allocation is important. However, consultants who do not have internet connectivity in their home or do not comply with the conditions and security standards for information management may carry out work in person. Likewise, those who due to the work they do with applications cannot do remote work due to the criticality of the information.

(Read: National Government orders total closure of the Amazon)

– In addition, a record of flu or covid-19 absences by area must be kept. In this way, it can be established whether the operation should go into quarantine or any of the workers who have made visits to suppliers and customers, in order to establish follow-up and control in the event of possible contagion.

– Additionally, daily monitoring of the health status and temperature of the personnel must be carried out. Those who work at home should report their health and temperature taking.

Domiciles and messaging

For those who work in this sector, the following recommendations were issued:

– Cleaning and disinfection of the vehicle where the addresses are taken at the beginning and end of the day must be carried out.

– The use of protection measures while traveling is mandatory.

– In the delivery of addresses, the use of face masks and gloves is mandatory.

– You must not take orders in person, they will only be online or by phone.

– The payment method must be informed to the client and, as far as possible, cash payment should be avoided; if it is in cash, the recommendation is to pay the exact value of the product to avoid receiving change.


Héctor Fabio Zamora / EL TIEMPO

– It is necessary to keep a record of customer deliveries with addresses and telephone numbers, to serve as a reference for the health authorities in the event that any worker or delivery partner tests positive for covid-19.

– The minimum distance is 2 meters between the domiciliary or delivery partners during the displacements. Likewise, at the time of delivery of an address.

– In meeting centers or when they are waiting to receive an order, they should not meet in groups of more than 5 people, keeping the distance to a minimum and using masks.

– The product must be in a double bag. This must be removed from the bag and, upon entering the home, removed from the packaging and be washed and disinfected.

Colombiamoda 2020

Additionally, the Minister of Commerce, José Manuel Restrepo, assured that Colombiamoda 2020 will take place virtually. “They are going to have more than 15,000 participants.” It will be from July 27 to August 2. This in order that the textile and fashion sector is not more affected by the crisis.

Carlos Eduardo Botero, President of Inexmoda, said that they will keep the essence: knowledge, fashion and business. With this fair it is expected “to keep this chain going, there are 482,000 direct jobs and around 1 million indirect jobs generated by the textile sector in the country”.

He assured that this is an export opportunity for many entrepreneurs.

