Coronavirus Leaves More Than 6,000 Dead in Brazil: Bolsonaro’s Response to COVID-19 Deaths Sparks Outrage | International


The cold response sparked criticism throughout the week from governors, political leaders, health professionals and journalists, outraged by the president’s lack of empathy.

Bolsonaro is used to controversy. But this time his statements aroused stupefaction and fury, because Your country is facing unstoppable growth in COVID-19 cases and is headed for the peak of the epidemic, It could exceed the most pessimistic forecasts.

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More than 91,500 confirmed cases, but according to scientists with between 15 and 20 times more, Brazil is preparing to face a situation similar to that of the United States or Italy, at a time when the disease already exceeds 6,300 deaths.

“So what? Sorry. What do you want me to do? I’m Messiah (his middle name), but I don’t work miracles, “the right-wing president said Tuesday night to the Journalist who mentioned the death toll in Brazil, which exceeds that of China.

Wilson Witzel, Governor of the State of Rio de Janeiro, one of the most punished areas, criticized a president who “ironic about the dead” instead of “being a leader at such a time”.

“Get to work”Witzel said in a tweet dedicated to the president on Wednesday, the the same day that the president, a former army and pro-weapons captain, trained at a shooting club, apparently toI miss the situation of the 210 million Brazilians.
