Coronavirus in Colombia: Trump announces help to Duque to fight the pandemic – Government – Politics


President Iván Duque revealed this Thursday in the television special ‘Prevention and Action’ that he had a “friendly conversation” by telephone with his United States counterpart, Donald Trump.

In said talk, The US president offered him resources to help the country’s health system to deal with the coronavirus.

The Colombian president told the audience that during that conversation they expressed their solidarity with each other for the situation generated by covid-19 in both countries and said that with the United States there has always been “a historic alliance relationship.”Duque added that he thanked Trump for his commitment to help Colombia at this juncture by facilitating access to medical teams to deal with the pandemic.

(It may interest you: Call to doctors and students of health will be only in extreme case)

“I refer, specifically, to issues such as fans, where we hope, also, in the course of next month – because we know that they also have needs in other States -, to receive that support,” said Duque.

On the other hand, in the same institutional program of the Presidency, the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruíz, announced that the National Government raised the technical reserves of the EPS so that they can pay the debts they have with the country’s hospital system.

This means that $ 1.7 billion was released, destined exclusively to hospitals for the payment of their payrolls and providers.

Ruíz Gómez explained that with the reduction of services in hospitals they do not have income, and although they have installed capacity to care for patients, they urgently require that money.

(We recommend: Donation from the UAE embassy to Colombia)

He also announced that, along with SuperHealth, There will be a timely follow-up so that EPS do not allocate these resources among their own companies. Once the Decree is published, the EPS will have a period of 20 days to present their payment plan, and then another five days to notify the Superintendency.

Duque dedicated part of the space to remember the aid in education and the social during this emergency. In the first, Manuel Esteban Acevedo, director of Icetex, spoke about the reliefs for credit debtors with that institution, among them, the extension of the terms, the temporary reduction of interest and the extension of terms in the amortization plans.

For his part, the director of National Planning, Luis Alberto Rodríguez, highlighted how the Government continues to maintain solidarity aid. After reiterating that the VAT refund continues to be made, he said that Progress is being made in what has to do with the solidarity income program, which will benefit 3 million Colombians who are not in any of the social programs.

He assured that 1.2 million who are banked have already been paid and that on Wednesday the first 500 thousand who do not have accounts began.

