Coronavirus in Bogotá: World Bank highlights management of the pandemic in Bogotá – Bogotá


Through the Tokyo Development Studies Center (TDLC), the World Bank highlighted the experience of Bogotá as one of the ten best strategies to face the coronavirus pandemic in the world.

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This institution is currently developing an analysis of the treatment that different cities around the world have given to the stage of economic and social reactivation and how they have adjusted their policies towards what is known as the ‘new normal’.

As part of this follow-up, the TDLC chose the specialized firm Anteverti, which is carrying out a study dedicated to evaluate ten ‘postcovid-19’ strategies, without so far knowing which are the other nine selected.

The truth is that the chosen cities have stood out because, on the one hand, they implemented measures that produced effective changes in the midst of the effort to overcome the emergency. And on the other, they worked on the projection of more resilient cities, capable of facing future crises.

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In the case of Bogotá, the current administration adjusted the ‘District Development Plan: A New Social and Environmental Contract 2020-2024’ to counteract, from all sectors, the impacts of the pandemic.

Thus, the capital was highlighted by the different aspects that it has managed to balance, protecting citizens in preventing contagion and at the same time establishing mechanisms that allow the economy to be reactivated, without this putting the health of the inhabitants at risk.

The Secretary of Economic Development of Bogotá, Carolina Durán, has told local media that the reactivation is on the right track. “It is still a long way, but we are already over two million active jobs,” she said recently.

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In fact, it was Durán who revealed that the mayor’s office knew the news when the World Bank sought them out to inform them about the list made worldwide and the outstanding work of Bogotá, which, he assured, is in the same classification with cities like Barcelona and Helsinki.

“They made a global assessment of the cities that were doing the best job, not only in mitigation but also in economic reactivation, and we were among the 5 best cities in the world as an example of pandemic management in the sense of economic reactivation,” said the secretary from Economic Development to FM.

Therefore, from the district administration, it is clarified that “The study of the Bogota case, which includes the study of its socioeconomic and urban rethinking for the post-pandemic, is currently in the information gathering phase”.

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After knowing this news, the mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, spoke on her Twitter account. “Contrary to what some say, Bogotá is recognized worldwide as one of the 10 best experiences of covid care and social and economic reactivation that will be documented by the World Bank,” he wrote in a tweet.

It should be remembered that strategies such as ‘A Cielo Abierto’ have been undertaken in Bogotá. The district administration assures that, since the beginning of this measure in September, more than 17,000 direct and indirect jobs were enabled, and also contributed to reactivate other sectors.

They also highlight that in Bogotá there has been “a mixture of joint strategies of citizen culture”, which “has achieved changes in the behavior of Bogota citizens” and “it has been one of the main factors that have contributed to the reduction of contagion.”

For example, according to the District, the most recent survey on the use of face masks showed that 93 percent of the inhabitants of Bogotá take on the task of caring for themselves and others as their own.

