Coronavirus in Bogotá: What can and cannot I do if I live in an UPZ with an orange alert – Bogotá


With the new epidemiological information, the District declared a coronavirus orange alert in twelve areas of six localities where there is an increased risk of contagion. The inhabitants of these sectors, called Special Care Zones, will have to remain in strict quarantine and will have permanent epidemiological surveillance.

For this reason, its inhabitants must meet different standards than the rest of the entire city. Here we tell you what is allowed and what is not within these UPZs.

In which cases can you leave your home

Remember that special care areas operate under strict quarantine, this means that you can only leave your home if you have to do some basic activity, otherwise you must stay home.

(It may interest you: Five more towns on orange alert by covid-19)

Self-care measures

Although these actions must be implemented by all citizens regardless of their place of residence, the inhabitants of special care areas must make special emphasis on self-care.

– Wash your hands and face every two hours.

– If you have to go out and do any basic necessity, you should take a bath when you return home.

– Whenever you have to leave your house you must wear face masks, it is mandatory and non-use can mean contagion and a fine.

– When leaving you must keep a meter of distance with other people. You can do the exercise of stretching both arms and checking that you cannot touch anyone.

(Read: Confirm presence of the new coronavirus in dogs)

Physical activity

Although with gradual reactivation and smart isolation, people were allowed to do physical activity close to their place of residence, in special care areas this is not allowed.

Further, children may not go out to do any type of physical activity, because this permit only applies to areas that are not under orange alert.

Learn how to prevent respiratory diseases in children


Due to quarantine, many citizens have chosen to purchase their products through home services, the operation of this operation changes in special care areas.

Although the inhabitants will be able to continue asking for addresses, they will only be able to do so in the shops or supermarkets that are within the same UPZ of their residence, this in order to limit as much as possible the number of people entering and leaving the area that is under orange alert.


Because several companies in the construction, manufacturing and commerce sector are reopening their operations in compliance with the protocols, many workers have returned to face-to-face work. However, If you are part of the employees who have resumed their normal work and live in one of the special care areas, your company must guarantee that you can teleworkSince you will only be able to leave your house if you have to carry out some basic activity such as shopping, attending an essential medical appointment or buying medicines.

(Also: The odyssey of a woman after losing her husband in times of covid-19)

What business can you open in special care areas

Because these UPZs will be under strict quarantine, only the opening of trade that provides basic products or services is allowedThat is, all stores that sell food or medicine, banks and hospitals or health centers.

What intervention will the District do?

In special care areas, the Bogotá city hall has five types of interventions programmed to protect the health of the inhabitants.

– Permanent epidemiological surveillance.
– Testing and massive tests.
– Pedagogical activities and citizen culture.
– Targeted aid to poor and vulnerable people.
– Disinfection days.

These are the orange alert zones


UPZ Kennedy Central: Ciudad Kennedy Occidental, Ciudad Kennedy Sur and Pastrana neighborhoods.

UPZ Americas: Ciudad Kennedy neighborhood.

UPZ Corabastos: Ciudad Techo and María Paz.

UPZ Bavaria: Marseille and Nueva Alsacia neighborhoods.

UPZ Calandaima I: Galán and Osorio III

UPZ Calandaima II: Tintalá.

UPZ Patio Bonito: Patio Bonito and Tairona.

UPZ Pardo Rubio: Barrios Chapinero Norte, Chapinero central

Aranda Bridge:
Neighborhoods: Aranda Bridge and Industrial Center.

Rafael Uribe Uribe:
UPZ Quiroga: Barrios Quiroga, Bravo Páez, Murillo Toro, Quiroga Central, Quiroga Sur and Barro Inglés.

Go up
UPZ Britalia: Cantagalio and Mazurén neighborhoods

UPZ Bosa Occidental: Barrios San Antonio, La Independencia, Villas del Progreso, El Remanso I, Chicó Sur, Ciudadela El Recreo.

