Coronavirus in Bogotá: what are the new ones in zones in Kennedy on orange alert – Bogotá


There are now seven zones on orange alert and with special protection measures to contain the advance of the coronavirus. This was announced this Wednesday by the Government Secretary, Luis Ernesto Gómez, during a visit to the town.

“What the town of Kennedy is experiencing is a hard lesson for all of what happens when they fail to comply with quarantine and biosecurity measures. Today 1 in 5 Covid cases are concentrated here and only by complying with a strict quarantine for 2 weeks can we achieve effective containment. We are going to take special care of Kennedy with pedagogy, a reinforced presence of the police and with many doctors and health personnel in the homes, ”said the Secretary.

(We recommend: New figures for coronavirus infections in Bogotá)

Thus, the orange alert remains in the following areas:

UPZ Kennedy Central: Ciudad Kennedy Occidental, Ciudad Kennedy Sur and Pastrana neighborhoods.

UPZ Americas: Ciudad Kennedy neighborhood.

UPZ Corabastos: City Roof and Maria Paz.

UPZ Bavaria:
Marseille and Nueva Alsacia neighborhoods.

UPZ Calandaima I: Galán and Osorio III

UPZ Calandaima II: Tintalá.

UPZ Patio Bonito: Patio Bonito and Tairona.

(It may interest you: Follow daily growth of covid-19 cases by department here)

The orange sectorized alert or ‘Special Care Zones’ measure began this Saturday with a first selection of four sectors that contain neighborhoods that must remain in strict quarantine, while the rest of the city already allows the economic reactivation of some sectors.

As explained by the District, in the areas that were already on orange alert, 27 investigations have been carried out for possible contagion of covid-19 in the field, 372 people with health risk have been followed up, 15 possible outbreaks have been attended and made a strict epidemiological monitoring.

In Kennedy there are 1,200,000 people and 942 cases of the virus. in the areas defined for protection there are 115,000 people.

The District has said that the orange alert declaration by zones can be ordered for other polygons according to the behavior that is observed in the coming days.

Contempt, the panorama of the last days

It is of concern that the areas on alert have registered points of disobedience to quarantine.

Citizen indiscipline, at least in the María Paz neighborhood, where Corabastos is located, has been the common denominator. Some informal vendors who occupy these areas told EL TIEMPO that they take to the streets out of necessity, looking for money to eat and to pay a rent.

In addition, CityTv reporters and EL TIEMPO photojournalists recorded how in the María Paz neighborhood, one of those with the total restriction, there were street vendors, pedicabs, people walking hand in hand and without any protection. “This is an outrage. Management does not take action on the matter,” said a resident of the area, alarmed.

Given this panorama, the District Administration explained that they delivered in the Maria Paz sector about 3,000 markets to those who needed them most. Likewise, pedagogical actions will be strengthened to try to convince the citizens of this sector not to leave their homes.

Such was the importance of the regulation for the District that the mayor herself, Claudia López, was teaching on Saturday in the resident community of the industrial estates. With megaphone in hand, and accompanied by the Army and the Police, she toured the neighborhoods, telling people what rules they should follow.

