Coronavirus in Bogotá: The restrictions that apply from this Saturday in areas of Kennedy – Bogotá


In the town of Kennedy, the quarantine by zones is released from this Saturday in Bogotá. The measure seeks to concentrate in two polygons within that extensive area of ​​the city the actions against the spread of the virus causing the covid-19.

Although the Mayor’s Office has been analyzing a total of nine areas from different locations, including Engativá, Ciudad Bolívar, Suba, Usaquén and Chapinero, that depending on the behavior of contagion cases could enter the same strategy.

However, for now, as of this Saturday, two Zonal Planning Units (UPZ) were declared in orange alert or special care areas, as Mayor Claudia López also called them yesterday during the announcement.

(You may be interested: This you should know about the use of the car from May 11 to 25 in Bogotá)

The UPZs that were under strict control measures since last night are Bavaria (with the Nueva Alsace and Marseille neighborhoods) and Calandaima (the Tintalá, Galán and Osorio sectors). Those restrictive measures are the same ones that were established in the quarantine drill conducted between March 20 and 24.

UPZs are territories within the same locality and are thus defined in the city’s Land Use Plan (POT), in order to promptly define the land uses that these areas may have. In addition to Bavaria and Calandaima, the UPZ of Patio Bonito, Kennedy Central, Timiza, Carvajal, Americas, Castilla, Tintal Norte, Corabastos, Gran Britalia and Las Margaritas are in the locality.

This decision, according to the president, will go in principle until May 23, the time of preventive isolation to confirm or rule out cases of possible contagion. In fact, according to EL TIEMPO, from last night the mayor’s office was going to proceed to establish controls and fences at the entrances and exits and to signal the special attention sectors with parades.

And today a Unified Command Post will be established in the area and pedagogical measures will be carried out in parallel for those communities in order for them to stay at home and only go out on the streets for reasons of force majeure.

That is, you can only go out to make purchases of basic necessities, such as supplies and medicines or medical instruments, to keep medical appointments and to take the pet in the closest environment to the house.

(Also: These are the two zones with an orange alert in Kennedy)

Those who fulfill essential functions, such as security, transportation of basic necessities, and health personnel, among others, may also leave their homes. The only establishments that will be able to open their doors are the shops, mini-markets, pharmacies and cigar shops, without allowing crowds.

At the same time that the health personnel will begin to carry out the actions of the epidemiological fence, such as establishing the direct contacts that people with positive tests for covid-19 have had, health brigades, and targeted aid.

“Today, of the localities of Bogotá, Kennedy is the one with the highest circulation of the virus, no longer due to contact with the outside world, but locally. We have to take specific control measures. It is not the whole locality ”, clarified the president when making known the sectors that remain for the next 15 days with special management.

And I add: “The virus is no longer dispersed in the city, we have less dispersal, but more concentration. We can geo-reference the location of positive cases, of potential cases. ”

Kennedy is one of the 20 towns that the capital has, and although it is not the one with the largest population – it has 988,143 inhabitants and is surpassed by Suba, with 1,116,937 -, it is one of the largest and with urban density problems. , overcrowding in homes and contact between people, which puts her in the crosshairs of the health authorities. Added to this is the presence of people with a higher risk of contagion, such as older adults and people with comorbidities.

Of the 3,824 positive cases of covid-19 detected until yesterday in the capital, Kennedy has 719, with 18.8 percent, making it the town with the most cases of contagion. For this reason, the president said that Kennedy is where there is the greatest amount of circulation of the virus, positive cases and contact with people.

However, the Mayor’s Office is evaluating other areas of the city where the high mobility of the inhabitants is a concern and, therefore, the risk of infection by the new coronavirus is high.

“Let’s prepare ourselves so that we constantly have new special care areas, which will be delimited and isolated to protect those who are within those areas and the rest of Bogota,” warned the government secretary, Luis Ernesto Gómez.

The official joined the call that the mayor made yesterday to citizens to be more aware of the risk posed by covid-19, since it is transmitted very easily, through saliva or contact between people, and is quite lethal , more if you have medical pre-existence such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity and respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.
I don’t know
Bogota editor
@ guirei24
