Coronavirus in Bogotá: Start UPZ awareness day with orange alert in Kennedy – Bogotá


As of today, two UPZs in the town of Kennedy, Bavaria and Calandaima, have special measures to protect their inhabitants from the coronavirus. Until May 23, people residing in these areas of the city will have special care and will live in a strict quarantine, for this reason, pedagogical operations began in the morning to inform citizens how the special measures will work.

Mayor Claudia López arrived with the team of the Secretaries of Health and Government and accompanied by members of the Police and Civil Defense, with a megaphone in hand, toured the UPZ informing how the special care areas were established and the new rules that will have to meet the inhabitants.

“We ask that you please do not go out on the street if you do not need to, we will have small information and control posts, we have the support of the public force that will help us not only to carry out surveillance and pedagogy but also the disinfection that They need some public places, “said the president, who added that the measures were taken because” Kennedy needs our care, he needs our commitment, we will be with medical care and also with food, “he said.

During the tour López also visited some public construction works, emphasizing that his authorization came after complying with strict security and mobility protocols. “In this area there is a very important work that is Guayacanes Avenue, which is preparing to start with all the protocols, they have an entry point, a sink, a temperature verification station,” he said.

Time @BogotaET
