Coronavirus in Bogotá: Orange alert declared in five other locations – Bogotá


As part of the actions being carried out by the Bogota City Hall to prevent the massive spread of the new coronavirus in the country’s capital, Claudia López made the decision to declare four other orange alert zones., this time in the town of Chapinero, Rafael Uribe Uribe, Puente Aranda, Bosa and Suba.

The first was at Kennedy earlier this week.

(Also read: Follow daily growth of covid-19 cases by department here)

Thus, the orange alert remains in the following areas:

UPZ Pardo Rubio: Barrios Chapinero Norte, Chapinero central

Aranda Bridge:
Neighborhoods: Aranda Bridge and Industrial Center.

Rafael Uribe Uribe:
UPZ Quiroga: Barrios Quiroga, Bravo Páez, Murillo Toro, Quiroga Central, Quiroga Sur and Barro Inglés.

Go up
UPZ Britalia: Cantagalio and Mazurén neighborhoods

UPZ Bosa Occidental: Barrios San Antonio, La Independencia, Villas del Progreso, El Remanso I, Chicó Sur, Ciudadela El Recreo.

In the case of Chapinero, although it is not one of the most contagious towns in the city (in fact it is number 13, with 151 cases of 4,563 confirmed throughout the city), It is a sector of high population density, one of the factors that increases the risk of transmission of covid-19.

(It may interest you: Density, Bogotá’s hidden enemy in times of pandemic)

In a recent publication of this medium, Urban planning expert Mario Noriega considered that the population density is an important factor to take into account in the spread of the virus.

“It is easier for one to get contagious in Teusaquillo and Chapinero than in Kennedy,” he said at the time. For him, it is not correct to speak of number of cases by localities, but of rate, as is done with all health indicators.

Noriega’s calculations, who have studied the contagion curve in detail, indicate that at press time the towns with the highest density of cases per population are Teusaquillo and Chapinero, with 105 and 100 per 100,000 inhabitants. Then Kennedy (82), Puente Aranda (69) and Usaquén (61). “It is not understood why Kennedy closes and Teusaquillo and Chapinero are left open,” he warns.

(It may interest you: 32 coronavirus cases confirmed at a URI and a police station)

Remember, these are the orange alert zones in Kennedy

UPZ Kennedy Central: Ciudad Kennedy Occidental, Ciudad Kennedy Sur and Pastrana neighborhoods.

UPZ Americas: Ciudad Kennedy neighborhood.

UPZ Corabastos: City Roof and Maria Paz.

UPZ Bavaria: Marseille and Nueva Alsacia neighborhoods.

UPZ Calandaima I: Galán and Osorio III

UPZ Calandaima II: Tintalá.

UPZ Patio Bonito: Patio Bonito and Tairona.

What if I am in an orange alert zone?

– Quarantine restricted to essentials (food, medicine, etc.).

– If you work in authorized companies, but live in this area, you should not go to work. The District will monitor that the company does not compel it.

-Travelling sales prohibited.

-Prohibited physical activity.

In addition, there will be a team that will carry out epidemiological surveillance in the area, there will be mass testing, intensified pedagogy, police and army control.

Twitter: @BogotaET
