Coronavirus in Bogotá: infections confirmed at Kennedy URI and Fontibón station – Bogotá


Seven police and 19 inmates from the Kennedy Immediate Reaction Unit (URI), and
six more uniformed from the station in the town of Fontibón, were confirmed with the disease generated by the new coronavirus.

The Secretary of Security, Hugo Acero, had issued several warnings about this situation, and explained how some warehouses were being adapted for when it was necessary to take someone because they were infected.

Precisely the URI of the town of Kennedy, an area that has four UPZs and eight neighborhoods on orange alert for the pandemic, is the first to report a positive case. For his part, the Fontibón Police station, where there is an overcrowding of 110%, was the one that added one of its inmates infected.

“The decree of release placed Inpec at the head of the transfer of these people to suitable places, but it requires that the Inpec tell us what are the sanitary measures for the transfer of these people and that the Ministry of Health define the protocols for this, “explained the official.

(It may interest you: The outputs that are evaluated to save Corabastos from the coronavirus)

A few days ago, the Bogotá Ombudsman issued warnings about the complicated situation of overcrowding and unhealthiness in these places, and despite the efforts of the District Administration to prevent contagion, it was not possible to shield those deprived of liberty.

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