Coronavirus in Bogotá: Five more localities on orange alert for covid-19 – Bogotá


Given the high probability of contagion with the new coronavirus, five areas with the same number of locations in Bogotá were declared as of orange alert as of Wednesday night. They join the seven at Kennedy, four of which have been in isolation since Saturday.

The announcement was made by Mayor Claudia López in a virtual press conference. Thus, in addition to the areas in special care in Kennedy, where 115,000 people were sheltered by mandatory isolation, there are the UPZ of the new towns that will be closely watched, they are: Quiroga, in Rafael Uribe Uribe; Puente Aranda, in Puente Aranda; Pardo Rubio, in Chapinero; Britalia, in Suba, and Bosa Occidental, in Bosa.

López said that these sites will basically carry out pedagogical, informative work, house to house. “We will go through the neighborhoods, streets, it is very important for people to know that they are at high risk; if you can stay home, don’t go out without a mask, wash your hands, keep your physical distance; but we also do disinfection days in crowded places, “he said.

He added that in those sectors where there is a vulnerable population these provisions must be followed and aid will be delivered. This was done yesterday in the Maria Paz sector, in Kennedy, which has been on orange alert since last Saturday, and where 3,000 markets were distributed.

(It may interest you: Kennedy now has seven zones on orange alert)

“Our epidemiological surveillance teams identify families, collect data, health needs, and perform more tests. Making this traceability positive, with whom it had contact and doing more tests to find out who is infected in that area and isolate it, is what is done in special care areas, ”said López.

In the case of Chapinero, López said that there are two factors that make this area a very complex one. On the one hand, it is of a high population density, and on the other, it was detected that there are many people who have had contact with those infected. In this town, the area with special surveillance is in the quadrant between 60th and 67th streets and between the 10th and 3rd races.

From this Wednesday There are seven zones on orange alert and with special protection measures to contain the advance of the new coronavirus in Kennedy. The announcement was made by the government secretary, Luis Ernesto Gómez, during a visit to that town, where 942 infections are already counted, 20 percent of all Bogotá.

“What is happening in Kennedy is a hard lesson for all of what happens when quarantine and biosafety measures are not followed,” said the official, adding: “Today, one in five cases of covid-19 is Concentrate here, and only by complying with a strict quarantine for two weeks can we achieve effective containment. ”

(It may interest you: Families will not be able to market in Corabastos, only wholesalers)

However, in the first days of the sector strategy, some cases of contempt of the rule were detected. Citytv reporters and EL TIEMPO photojournalists recorded how in the María Paz neighborhood, one of those with the total restriction, there were street vendors, pedicabs, people walking hand in hand and without any protection. “This is a waste. Management does not take action on the matter, ”said a resident of the area, alarmed.

Given this panorama, the District explained that they delivered in the Maria Paz sector more than 3,000 markets to those who needed them most. Likewise, pedagogical actions will be strengthened to try to convince the citizens of this sector not to leave their homes.

Such was the importance of the norm for the District that the mayor was doing pedagogy in the resident community of the polygons on Saturday. With megaphone in hand, and accompanied by the Army and Police, she toured the neighborhoods, telling people what rules they should follow.

(It may interest you: Density, Bogotá’s hidden enemy in times of pandemic)

“We are going to take special care of Kennedy with pedagogy, a reinforced police presence and with many doctors and health personnel in the homes,” warned the government secretary.

There, the sectorized orange alert went into effect last weekend, with a first selection of four sectors containing neighborhoods that must remain in strict quarantine for 15 days, while in the rest of the city the reactivation of some economic sectors is already allowed.

As explained by the District Administration, in the areas that were already on orange alert, 27 investigations have been made for possible contagion of the new coronavirus in the field, 372 people with health risk have been followed up, 15 possible outbreaks have been attended and made a strict epidemiological monitoring.

(It may interest you: How to avoid contagion when using public transport)

Protocol for Corabastos

-Those who enter must wear face masks correctly.

-The entry of retailers and individuals and families that are going to market is prohibited.

-Only a driver and assistant can enter a vehicle, with biosafety elements.

-The vehicle must go through the disinfection process before entering.

-The entry of people with chronic diseases is prohibited.

-Anyone who enters must have hand sanitization and temperature taking.

-There must be hand sanitizing points, such as sinks or gel.

-Common areas, warehouses and commercial areas should be washed at least 3 times a week.

-Free provision of health services.

-Input of people must not exceed 35%, that is, a maximum of 10,000 to 15,000.

-Street vendors are not allowed in common areas, hallways or warehouses.

-Make a health center for care in cases of breakdowns and apply screening and testing of symptomatic patients.

-Guarantee the distance of 1.5 to 2 meters between people.

-In warehouses there will be a route to follow. It cannot be returned through the entrance site.

-If, due to positive cases of covid-19, up to 10% of the premises of a warehouse are closed, the entire warehouse will be closed.

-If up to 10% of the warehouses are intervened, Corabastos will be closed.

-The evolution of the outbreak will be reviewed every 24 hours.

Bogota Newsroom@BogotaET
