Coronavirus in Bogotá: Experiment with chlorine dioxide in patients with coronavirus – Health


When a few days ago the president of the United States, Donald Trump, suggested supplying patients with covid-19 to kill the coronavirus, disinfecting substances, ignoring the enormous health risks that this could represent, the scientific world took it as another false start of the president.

The following day, on April 25, 30 cases of people poisoned by consuming chlorine and cleaning products were reported in New York, in the same way that Trump proposed without any scientific evidence.

What was not known until now is that several weeks before the American head of state came out with this pearl, At least three patients in a hospital in southern Bogotá were already part of a fraudulent clinical trial, authorities have noted. To them, people diagnosed with covid-19, a group of doctors were supplying chlorine dioxide, bypassing all research protocols.

(Also read: Donald Trump’s Dangerous Medical ‘Suggestions’)

He suggested this treatment to three patients, who freely accepted the recommendations that said professional made at the time and in turn had their consent.

The history of this dangerous experiment began in early April, when the doctor Yohanny Andrade, contractor of the Fundación Hospital San Carlos and who had tested positive for covid-19, He used chlorine dioxide – a product similar to a disinfectant, according to the FDA – as a treatment in itself.

“Then, individually, he suggested this treatment to three patients, who freely accepted the recommendations that said professional made at the time and in turn had their consent. These patients were contacted by the Scientific Directorate of the Foundation, who corroborate their consent and are in good health, “confirmed the institution.

“The Hospital San Carlos Foundation does not endorse this practice, there is no official document of said research in the institution, nor does it have authorization to carry it out. Said product does not exist within the institution, that is, it has not been acquired or stored, ”the hospital states in a statement.


President Donald Trump has been criticized for the medical “suggestions” he has been making as possible cures for the coronavirus.

The experiment

Unaware of the protocols of his hospital and even those of the National Institute for Food and Drug Surveillance (Invima), this experiment was registered on April 7 at, a site in the United States Library of Medicine where worldwide clinical trials to treat covid-19 are being reviewed.

There, under the name ‘Determination of the effectiveness of oral chlorine dioxide in the treatment of covid-19’, the details of this fraudulent trial were described.

The Fundación Hospital San Carlos does not endorse this practice, there is no official document of said research in the institution, nor does it have authorization to carry it out.

In addition to Andrade, Blanca Bolano, Oswaldo Leyva and Eduardo Insignares-Carrione appear as researchers as director of this observational study with 20 participants.

“The research will be carried out between April and June 2020 with a quasi-experimental design in two health care centers on a sample of twenty patients. Through direct intervention, changes in infection symptoms will be measured after administration of the study preparation, to determine the effectiveness of chlorine dioxide in the treated group ”, is detailed.

In another section, the doctors point out that the study population will be a group of medical patients and health professionals with active infection with covid-19, “from various hospitals in Bogotá, Colombia, and Madrid, Spain” that they proposed themselves. as candidates for research.

“Patients will receive the 3,000 parts per million (ppm) chlorine dioxide base preparation with precise written instructions on how to prepare and take it (…) One tablespoon should be taken every hour, until the contents of the bottle are finished of a liter ”, they indicate.

What doctors don’t say is that according to the FDA, consuming this product can mean adverse effects like respiratory failure; changes in the electrical activity of the heart; low blood pressure caused by dehydration; acute liver failure; Low blood cell count; and, vomiting and severe diarrhea.

The National Agency of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology ANMAT, from Argentina, have pronounced in the same sense; and the Institute of Public Health (ISP), from Chile. In the past, Health Canada, the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products, The French Agency for the Safety of Health Products and the Food Standards Agency of the United Kingdom have warned about the risks of ingesting this product.

These studies can only be carried out by institutions that have previously demonstrated compliance with the requirements established by health regulations

About chlorine dioxide

Chlorine dioxide is a substance that is generated by mixing sodium chlorite, water and citric acid, a product commercially known as Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS).

Andreas Kalcker is known for being one of the pioneers in the defense and promotion of chlorine dioxide as a medical treatment for cancer, autism, malaria and other conditions worldwide. On its website it says that “in low-dose aqueous solution it promises to be an ideal, fast and effective solution for the elimination of this virus.” However, it has been the subject of several investigations and complaints for misleading advertising of this product in different countries in Europe.

According to the FDA, Chlorine dioxide is an effective agent to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, but only on surfaces, or in water. Injecting, breathing, or ingesting solutions with this chemical can cause adverse health effects.

In fact, the Colombian Pharmacovigilance Association (ACFV), the Colombian Clinical Toxicology Association (ATCC), the Colombian Safety Council (CCS) and the Colombian Association of Hospital Pharmaceutical Chemists (ACQFH) recently declared that “the consumption or injection of chemical products, such as disinfectants and cleaning and cleaning products, generates serious damage to health and
they can even cause death “
and that “none of these chemical substances has been designed or is fit for human consumption.”

In this sense, they agreed that “these products should never be used in a different way from that indicated on the label and they should not be mixed with each other, because they can generate dangerous reactions causing serious damage to health.”

Invima’s harsh pronouncement

After learning about this case, published this weekend by Noticias Uno, Invima, issued a health alert in which it warns about the risk it represents “Promotion and sponsorship of clinical research in humans, with the product chlorine dioxide as a treatment for covid-19, without authorization.”

The health authority noted that to date there have been no requests in Colombia to carry out clinical studies on the safety and efficacy of chlorine dioxide and that this substance is not recognized as a medicine by any health agency.

In the event that you want to undertake an investigation, “these studies can only be carried out by institutions that have previously demonstrated compliance with the requirements established by health regulations and have requested Invima to approve the project.”

“Among the databases of the studies that are being evaluated as possible treatments for covid-19, none are found associated with the use of chlorine dioxide. Therefore, any institution that is conducting clinical studies with this substance would be incurring irregularities, “the entity concludes.

For now, the San Carlos Hospital reported that Andrade was removed from his duties and will be investigated by the ethics committee, while Insignares has no relationship with the institution.

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