Coronavirus in Amazonas: they denounce that the indigenous people are dying


Of 430 confirmed coronavirus cases, 90% are Aboriginal, according to authorities. They assure that the hospital cannot supply.

Meanwhile, Karina Bocanegra, deputy from the Amazon, denounced that the indigenous deputy Camilo Suárez died with symptoms associated with COVID-19 and awaiting medical attention.

“He died today due to lack of attention, because the ambulance did not arrive. In the hospital we do not have manometers, we do not have thermometers, we do not have anything and today it was his turn, those who are dying are our indigenous people, ”he said.

Bocanegra asks President Iván Duque “to look at the Amazon. We don’t want any more warm water cloths. Here was the minister and he came with no solution. ”

And the picture does not improve: as patients increase, health personnel decrease due to massive resignations in the region, the majority hired to provide services.

See also: More attention to the Amazon in times of coronavirus, the clamor to protect the indigenous people.
