Coronavirus: how are the hotels that doctors will use – Government – Politics


The National Tourism Fund (Fontur) is the entity in charge of the ‘For those who care for us’ program, which focuses on offering hotel services to the country’s doctors, in the midst of the coronavirus emergency.

Raquel Garavito, President of Fontur, pointed out that the signing of the agreements with the hotels has already begun. In addition, he invited hoteliers to join the campaign and thus protect the country’s health personnel.

They “are going to be given a room, they are going to be able to have a place to go to after exercising their day. Second, they are going to be fed, their clothes are going to be washed.”

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To the date, they have already signed agreements in the Atlantic and Garavito warned that this week others will also be signed in Magdalena, Caldas, Manizales, Florencia, Nariño and Huila. And the other week new agreements will be closed.

Interested hotels must comply with:

1. Have a geographical location close to hospital centers.
2. Have laundry and internal restaurant services.
3, Have accommodation options in individual accommodation.

With this measure, he added, they are promoting the flow of resources to hotels, one of the sectors hardest hit in the midst of the crisis.

Registration can be done on the Fontur website.

Twitter: @PoliticaET
