Coronavirus: Famous virologist advises to behave as if he were infected – Science – Life


The best known virologist in Germany, Andreas Drosten, believes that the ideal in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic is that everyone behaves as if they were infected and had to try to avoid transmitting the disease to others.

The best thing would be for us to behave as if we were infected and we wanted to avoid the transmission of the disease “, Drosten told the daily “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung”.

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“You can also think the other way around, that everyone else is infected and we try to protect ourselves”added the director of the Virology department of the La Charité university hospital.

The increase in new infections has led to new restrictive measures being taken in Germany and Drosten warns in the interview that a normalization of the situation should not be expected in the short term.

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“It is certain that at Easter we will continue to face the pandemic. But it is possible that for the summer there will be things that will improve in our daily lives,” he said.

The new measures approved in Germany imply the closure, for four weeks, of bars, restaurants, cinemas, theaters and gyms while schools and kindergartens will remain open, which Drosten considers correct.

In schools there are now stricter prevention measures that, added to the mandatory use of masks, give us hope that infections can be avoided “, said.

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Drosten expects an improvement in the situation with rapid tests which, if there are sufficient capacities, can help protect groups at risk.

“We could test risk groups more regularly. In addition, rapid tests not only allow us to determine if someone has been infected but also if they can infect others. That will make it easier to make decisions about quarantines and contact ban“he added.

Drosten, since the beginning of the pandemic, has become one of the most authoritative voices on the coronavirus and is regularly consulted by policy makers in Germany.

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The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) of virology reported 14,177 new coronavirus infections in Germany this Sunday. The figure is lower than Saturday, when a new high of 19,056 cases was recorded. On Sundays and Mondays the number of reported cases is usually lower due to delays in communication between the health offices and the RKI.

Since the beginning of the pandemic there have been 532,930 confirmed infections in Germany, 10,481 people have died and it is estimated that 355,900 have overcome the disease. Active cases are estimated at 162,062.


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