Coronavirus: doctors appear lying on the floor next to the bed of a covid-19 patient – People – Culture


Members of the healthcare staff have been direct victims of the new coronavirus, which leaves terrifying figures at the end of this 2020. According to the independent count from Johns Hopkins University, Around the world there are already more than 81 million infected people and more than 1.7 million have died.

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Some of the cases are of doctors, nurses and other health workers who have put their lives at risk due to the health contingency.

And it is that the health personnel, in addition to the fact that on many occasions they did not have the necessary preparation and implements to face a pandemic, He was also subjected to long hours of work that impaired his physical and mental integrity.

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That is the case of three Russian medical students who fell exhausted next to a patient who was in an ICU bed due to a coronavirus infection.

That night happened that a lot of work accumulated. There were many serious patients

A photo depicting them was posted on the VK account (a Russian social network) of a health institution of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency of Russia (Fmba, for its acronym in English).

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The scene was captured by the head nurse of the Fmba Central Medical Unit 38, located in the Russian city of Leningrad.

Along with the publication, a quote from the woman was arranged, who assured: “I would like to express my deep gratitude to Rasul, Katya and Lyosha for the fact that they took a shift outside of their hours. and they helped in difficult times. You guys are great. “

Yekaterina Volkova, one of the students who starred in the scene, told the local media ‘Moscow 24’ that they lay down for “two minutes”, because the patient they were monitoring was stable, after she tried to remove her mask of oxygen.

He assured that they were not sleeping, but that they were vigilant, in case something happened with her.

He also pointed out that they had had a very hard work day. “That night it happened that a lot of work accumulated. There were many serious patients,” said the student.

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His image, captured by a surveillance camera, was shared thousands of times in his country and went viral worldwide.

According to Johns Hopkins University, Russia already accumulates more than 3 million infected people and about 55,000 deaths from the new coronavirus.

