President Iván Duque announced last Monday the extension of mandatory preventive isolation until May 11. In the midst of the new measures, it was reported that from this April 27 people will be able to go out to do outdoor sports.
Local leaders have the autonomy to give the operating rules of this measure in their cities.
Nowhere in the country can you go to sports clubs, gyms or sports centers.
The mayor Claudia López assured this Sunday that from this Monday you can exercise individually outdoors: jogging, walking, cycling, etc. The measure is only for those over 18 and under 60 years old. They can do it for an hour between 6:00 a.m. m. and 10:00 a.m. m., without leaving the house more than 1 kilometer, for one hour, and with all the precautionary measures, including the mask.
Additionally, the peak and gender continues in the capital, but not for this measure. That is, you can go out any day to exercise regardless of your gender.
(It may interest you: They open an investigation against Claudia López after trading in company)
Other rules:
– You will not be able to make use of park furniture: playgrounds, gyms or courts. “By touching each of these elements you can spread the virus,” said Durán.
-The metropolitan parks will not be open.
-Each person must carry a cleaning kit that includes a towel, water, and sunscreen.
-To walk you must maintain a distance of 5 meters between person and person and 10 meters in case there is a jog or use of the bicycle.
The daily sports hour that is authorized for those over 18 years old can be done on foot, jogging or by bike, between 6 and 10am, and gender does not apply.#picoygenero He will continue only to go to supermarkets, banks and notaries. And also for chance / gambling, which was authorized by the President https://t.co/KhUuLItDsv
– Claudia López (@ClaudiaLopez) April 27, 2020
The Ministry of Sports and Recreation of Cali pointed out that citizens cannot go to parks or places with games for children or that have machines for exercising or physical activities.
The population can go out between 6 to 7 in the morning, to walk, run, jog and ride a bike, in the two days that the ico Peak and life ’has (measure to restrict mobility in vehicles).
You must do it close to your homes, without exceeding more than 1 kilometer away.
People between 18 and 60 years old can exercise outdoors, but alone, not as a couple or in groups and they cannot take pets.
You are only allowed one day to practice outdoor sports, this will work just like the Peak and ID. Depending on the digit in which your document ends.
You can leave between 5 to 8 in the morning, maximum one hour per exercise session and 1 kilometer from your residence. The distance per person must be at least 5 meters and to go out you must do it with gloves and masks.
Only citizens between 18 and 69 years old can leave. The use of courts and gyms in the parks is not allowed.
The mayor of Medellín, Daniel Quintero, assured that in the case of the Aburrá Valley people between 18 and 60 years old will be able to go out to do sports every day from 2:00 p.m. m. at 3:00 p. m. Each person must leave individually.
As for the performance of physical activity, as authorized by the National Government, in the case of the Aburrá Valley people between 18 and 60 years old can go out to do sports every day from 2:00 p.m. at 3:00 p.m. Each person must leave individually.
– Daniel Quintero Calle (@Quintero Calle) April 26, 2020
The mayor of Barranquilla, Jaime Pumarejo, said that they can go out to exercise according to their peak and ID this week, individually, between 4:00 a.m. m. at 8:00 a.m. m.
The use of the streets will only be allowed for the practice of this activity. Parks, sports venues, public courts and the Gran Malecón will continue to be closed.
“We are going to see how people behave when they go out to exercise, if they do not stay talking, if they do not go out in pairs … if that is achieved, the other week we will open so that they can exercise every day,” said Pumarejo.