Coronavirus: Avoid large family gatherings, the WHO’s call for Christmas – More Regions – International


The World Health Organization (WHO) He asked this Monday, in view of the proximity of Christmas and other end of the year holidays, that large family gatherings and parties in crowded places are avoided, in order to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

(You may be interested: Europe is getting ready for a risky Christmas in the face of covid-19)

“It is advisable to celebrate at home, avoid meetings with people from outside of it, and if there are meetings, preferably they should be abroad, with physical distancing and wearing a mask,” advised the director general of the
WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

“We all have to ask ourselves if in these circumstances it is necessary to travel, if it is really necessary, because this is the time to stay home and be safe”, he claimed.

Tedros made these recommendations after celebrating that last week there was the first clear decline in global daily cases since September, thanks mainly to the decline in cases in Europe, but warned that “what is gained can be easily lost” and noted that “it is not moment of complacency, especially now that the holidays are approaching in many countries. “

(Read here: The challenge of taking the vaccine to all corners of Latin America)

The pandemic will change the way we celebrate, but it doesn’t mean we can’t.

“The pandemic will change the way we celebrate, but it doesn’t mean we can’t do it,” he stressed. Tedros, who said he understood that at parties like Christmas, many want to be with relatives and friends, but this year “we must take into account the risks we run with our decisions.”

The WHO launches these renewed warnings due to the fear that during Christmas, or after it, there will be a new wave of covid-19 (the third in Europe), when the first vaccines against the disease could still take months to be available, and at the beginning they would only be for risk groups.

Tedros also recommended on these dates “avoid shopping centers if they are crowded, try to go to less crowded hours, and make use of electronic commerce “, in one of the times of greatest consumerism, especially in the West.

(Also read: England will come out of confinement but will maintain some measures)

Coronavirus and Christmas

The WHO asked to avoid meetings with people outside the home (file photo).


Cindy Ord. Fake images. AFP

The head of the WHO added, in a message addressed to those who do travel during the holidays, do not forget to wear a mask in airports, train stations, and on planes, trains and buses, washing their hands often.

“If you feel bad, do not travel,” he summarized, and asked the companies to “If this year can’t be celebrated normally, make plans so you can do it later, when it’s safe (…) We know that sooner or later there will be security, the pandemic will end and we all have a role to play in its end. “



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