Confirmed: man who arrived in Cartagena through the airport died of COVID-19 | THE UNIVERSAL


Only a week after the national flights were reactivated, an event has put the authorities in Cartagena on alert. (Read here: Commercial flight landed in Cartagena with more than 100 passengers)

A 41-year-old man, who traveled on September 2 from Bogotá to La Heroica, for business matters and accompanied by his wife and 3-year-old daughter, died of COVID-19.

The man had entered the Nuevo Hospital de Bocagrande (NHB) last Saturday, with a serious acute respiratory infection, but in the following hours his health condition worsened and he died on Sunday, September 6.

“I had no symptoms”

In this regard, Johana Bueno, director of the District Administrative Department of Health (Dadis), said that after the doctors verified that he was possibly infected with COVID-19, the protocol was activated and the sample for SARS-CoV was taken. -2, whose results came in the morning of this Tuesday and in which it was confirmed that it was positive for the virus.

“The man did not present symptoms upon entering the city on September 2, but that same night he began to have an occasional cough, however, his relatives related it to the change in the weather. On day 3 he persists with symptoms, such as occasional mild cough and respiratory distress, on day 4 his family members decide to consult medical assistance, which recommends transferring him to a clinic, hospitalizing him on day 5 ”, explained Bueno.

Start tracking

After confirming the contagion, the director of Dadis said that they began to track the people who had contact with the man, as with their relatives.

He indicated that his wife had already been tested for COVID-19, which was negative, and that his 3-year-old daughter will be tested today.

“The passengers with whom he had a possible close contact have already been identified, (confirmed positive case at a distance of 2 meters). Each of the cases is traced, and according to the classification, the pertinent tests will be carried out, ”added the official. (It may interest you: From this moment the challenge of Cartagena is to avoid regrowth)

We comply with the protocol

For its part, the Sociedad Aeroportuaria de la Costa (Sacsa), operator of the Rafael Núñez de Cartagena Airport, affirmed that the air terminal is strictly complying with the biosecurity protocol established by the National Government.

However, Sacsa specified that if a person does not have symptoms upon arrival in the city it is difficult to verify that they do not have the virus, this taking into account that, according to the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health, travelers who have As a destination, Cartagena is not being required to present the result of the coronavirus test.
