Confirmed case of contagion in the Bogotá Police command


The city’s Police Commander, Óscar Gómez, confirmed that the uniformed man was transferred to the Central Police Hospital, while the people who had contact with him were isolated.

There was great controversy on social networks due to the appearance of videos that would demonstrate the detection of a case of covid-19 infection within the Bogotá Police command, which alerted the uniformed personnel who work there.

As confirmed by the commander of the city police, Brigadier Óscar Gómez, it was found that one of the officials from the police headquarters tested positive for coronavirus, so that the security and self-protection protocols were immediately activated for both the uniformed as for the people around him.

“The closest circle proceeded to do rapid tests and they are currently in isolation,” said Gómez. He also indicated that the videos corresponded to the procedure they carried out to avoid contagions, while the ambulance that took the uniformed man to the central hospital arrived at the scene.

Given the facts, the police commander appealed to both the uniformed and the general population to respect the measures decreed by the national government and the District, even if they are not on the street, as a measure of citizen culture and prevention , in order to avoid new infections.

Regarding the videos, Gómez pointed out that the evacuation was given according to the indications given by those who attended the situation, while the Police continue to identify the epidemiological route to avoid generating a source of contagion within the institution.

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-Drafting Bogotá – [email protected]


Confirmed case of contagion in the Bogotá Police command



