Colombian family lost their midwife in New York – USA and Canada – International


A Colombian family lost their midwife in New York (USA), after being diagnosed with covid-19, reported ‘The New York Times’, which reported that Carmen Toro, who lived in Queens with her granddaughter, “became ill in mid-March” after returning from a family reunion in Colombia ” .

(Also read: There is ‘Huge Evidence’ for the Origin of Coronavirus in the Lab: US).

“Two weeks after his hospital stay, in early April, doctors put Toro on a respirator after his oxygen levels dropped,” the newspaper said. He said that several covid-19 patients are left in a “shadow zone” when their lungs do not improve.

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A doctor informed the family, in a virtual meeting, that they had difficulties ventilating Toro. “The doctor listed the efforts he and his colleagues had made: various medications, an experimental treatment, and repositioning to help improve their oxygen levels (…). But his lungs didn’t improve. ” They were like an “old sponge that doesn’t work.”

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The doctors explained that Toro – who had seven children and a dozen grandchildren – would not be as before if she overcame her pneumonia and asked them to discuss what to do and what she would have wanted.

After being informed that her ventilation status was worsening, family members gave the order not to resuscitate her if her heart stopped. and they asked them to explain what “comfort care” was, which meant removing the fan and that a family member could visit her to say goodbye.

After several treatment attempts, in another call with the doctors, Toro’s relatives recalled that the woman had said that “she did not want to be a burden”. “The family accepted what seemed inevitable, although there was no formal decision,” the Times said.

On April 19 her granddaughter – accompanied by her husband -, a doctor, a nurse and a social worker, entered Toro’s room, who through Zoom connected the other relatives of the woman to say a final goodbye.

