Colombian environmentalist child Francisco Javier Vera Manzanares threatened with death – People – Culture


On the night of Friday, January 15, the Colombian environmental boy, Francisco Javier Vera Manzanares, He received a comment on a video he posted on his Twitter account in which he was threatened with death.

The user @BelboCodazzi, wrote: “I want to skin this son of a bitch. I have a desire to hear him scream as I cut off his fingers to see if he will continue talking about environmentalism and dignity.

(We recommend: There are still doubts about the crime of a couple of environmentalists near the Tayrona).

In the tweet that accompanied the video, the boy wrote: “We will return to virtual classes, but for this virtual education to be worthy, we ask the Government of Iván Duque to guarantee connectivity in all territories of the country.” And tag Unicef ​​and the Ministry of Education, with the ‘hashtag’ #GovernmentsParaLaVida and # Covid19.

(If you read us from the app see the statement of the Ombudsman here).

“I was the one who noticed that message because I checked all of Francisco’s networks. He had already received many ridicules, criticism and insults for his activism in defense of life and the environment, but he had never been threatened with death ”, explained to EL TIEMPO Ana María Manzanares, the student’s mother.

He is commonly associated with politicians on the left, and most of his opponents claim to be openly on the right. And it is very common for them to say that the child is repeating a learned speech and that he is a spokesman for certain political activists, to which he has replied that his activism is for the planet and for life and that he is not exploited by anyone.

(We recommend: The story of Francisco, the environmental child who does not play at being grown up).

Later, the boy replied: “After reading some very unpleasant comments some people have made about a video that I uploaded a few days ago I understand, in part, why it is so difficult to try to contribute to the country. From here I will continue putting my citizenship in favor of life ”.

As soon as he saw the threatening comment, the young man’s mother shared the screenshot with his family and close friends and, immediately, it began to go viral on networks.

(Also read: The world is heading towards catastrophic warming in the 21st century).

The Police contacted her and confirmed that an intelligence protocol had been initiated in computer crimes to find the user’s whereabouts. However, it is known that it is a false account, with just 30 followers, which immediately began to be reported and, in a couple of hours, had already been suspended by Twitter.

The Prosecutor’s Office also contacted her, but they clarified that the process must begin with the Police.

(See: Interview with Nemonte Nenquimo, the 2020 Goldman Award-winning indigenous woman).

On the morning of this Saturday, the Ombudsman’s Office, through its Twitter account, reported: “The Office of the Ombudsman began a path of care and protection for the child Francisco Vera, 11, an environmental leader from the department of Cundinamarca recently threatened with death on social networks.”

(If you read us from the app see the statement of the Ombudsman here).

Nicolás García Bustos, governor of Cundinamarca, also referred to the issue and said: I strongly reject the threats that Francisco, a boy from Cundinamarca committed to protecting the environment, has received. I contacted Ana María, her mother, and Francisco. With the Police we are investigating“.

The young man has received a lot of support on social networks, in which they have expressed messages with the ‘hashtag’ #FranciscoEstamosContigo.

