Claudia López was nominated as the best mayoress in the world


The president is part of the 32 mayors chosen to participate for the World Mayor Prize 2021, an award that is awarded by the City Mayors Foundation, which this year seeks to recognize the leader who has best managed the COVID-19 pandemic in his city .

This Friday it was known that the mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, was nominated as the best mayor in the world in the World Mayor Prize 2021. López, would be one of the three leaders from South America participating for the award together with Horacio Rodríguez (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and Gustavo Henric Costa (Guarulhos, Brazil).

In the award that has been awarded since 2004, 32 leaders from 21 countries participate and their ability to provide “protection and security” focused on the management that was given in each of the cities to the pandemic generated by COVID- will be considered. 19.

In addition, on the official page of the World Mayor Prize, it is emphasized that the criteria for choosing these mayors is that their objective was not to return to normality, but rather to bear in mind and work with the long-term consequences that it may generate. the coronavirus.

The winner of this important award will be chosen by vote. However, it must be taken into account that whoever wins will not be the one who has a greater number of votes in favor (since there are cities larger than others), but the one who has the greatest strength and conviction in each of the arguments of their voters, since in order to support a mayor you have to justify the reason for each vote.

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In this way, each of the votes will be reviewed manually and fraudulent or manipulated votes will not be counted. City Mayors advises that while they prefer comments to be in English, they also accept them in other languages.

To vote you must send an email to [email protected], in which you explain the reasons why you believe that one of the nominees should obtain this award. Write about her leadership during the Covid pandemic, her accomplishments as mayor, and her vision for Bogotá. Please insert the Mayor of Bogotá in the subject line and provide your name at the end of your testimonial. It can be your full name, first name, or initials. Also tell us in which city and country you live ”, it says on the official page of the World Mayor Prize 2021.

“Grateful to the City Mayors Foundation. A recognition especially for Bogotá, which motivates us to continue working hard for the jackpot: to get ahead in the face of the great challenges that this pandemic has imposed on us, ”Claudia López wrote on her Twitter.

The president of Bogotá will have to compete with other mayors such as Mayor Robert Garcia (Long Beach), Muriel bowser (Washington DC), Giuseppe Sala (Milan), among others. The full list can be found here.
