Claudia López said that some Venezuelans are involved in crime in Bogotá – Bogotá


Claudia López, mayor of Bogotá, arrived this Thursday, October 29, to the town of Kennedy to hold a Local Government Council.

During the event, the president spoke about different topics: mobility, health, coronavirus, use of the Public Force and security. And in the latter he referred to the indexes that have been registered in the city.

(We recommend: ‘It is inadmissible that they kill a citizen for theft,’ López said about murder in TransMilenio).

“I know that a headache for everyone is the security issue. There are 14 indicators that we measure: 12 out of 14 have improved this year, but two have made us sore, because we have not managed to improve them, but they have worsened compared to the previous year ”, said López.

“Homicide grew 1% in Bogotá and 4% in Kennedy and there are criminality issues”, added the mayor.

(You may be interested: Claudia López asks not to go out looking for candy on Halloween).

He then gave his impression of some Venezuelan immigrants: “I do not want to stigmatize, nor was it missing, Venezuelans, but there are some immigrants involved in criminality who are making our lives out of hand. Here, whoever comes to earn a decent living, welcome, but whoever comes to commit a crime should be deported without contemplation ”.

Those who were in the Local Government Council applauded López’s words, but on social networks he has been highly criticized.

(Also read: This is how the images of Duque and López are, according to a survey by Cifras y Conceptos).

“Xenophobia”, “in the campaign he used to say ‘panas’, now that he has to take charge he discriminates against them” and “here if you went over the top” have been some of the comments on Twitter against the words of the mayor.

His statements also occurred on the same day that a man was murdered inside a TransMilenio bus for stealing a cell phone, for which, according to unofficial information, Three Venezuelan criminals are singled out for stealing from the transportation system.

(You may be interested: Osvaldo Muñoz is the mortal victim of the robbery in TransMilenio).

