Claudia López reveals secret conversation with Petro


Claudia López referred to the bad relationship she has with Gustavo Petro, who became her main contradictory during her first year of government in Bogotá.

As he says, during the campaign last year, Petro assured him that without him the elections in the capital would not be won.

“Gustavo is a leader who told me during the campaign: ‘You cannot win in Bogotá without me and my demand is that you revoke the elevated metro,'” Claudia López told Semana magazine.

Followed, he assured that the answer he gave to the former mayor of Bogotá was:

“There is a contract, and he said, ‘Revoke the contract.’ I told him: Gustavo, I’d rather lose the Mayor’s Office than win like this. “

According to the mayor, at that time he considered it irresponsible to revoke the contract for the elevated metro and even assures that he told Petro that then he preferred to lose the elections.

“I would have preferred the subway to be underground, without a doubt, but after 60 years the money was finally obtained, it was hired, it is going to be done, it is going to start. And throw it away? No. I prefer to lose the Mayor’s Office, “said the president, in that same medium.

López questioned Petro’s attitude because he considers that the people who believe they are indispensable it also results from the assumption that “they are the beginning and the end of the world.”

“[Petro] He really couldn’t overcome that not only was it not indispensable, but we defeated them. His candidate was third, “said the mayor.

Attacks between Claudia López and Gustavo Petro

It is not the first time that Claudia López refers to Gustavo Petro as one of her great opponents. Several months ago, he pointed out that he published three false news stories daily, in response to a statement by the senator that 62% of those killed by COVID-19 in Bogotá could not reach an intensive care unit.

At that time, in addition, the president maintained that the People were not dying in Bogotá because they could not access the ICU, but because “this pandemic is deadly.”

“That has not happened and, as long as I am mayor, we are not going to let it happen,” said López in what appeared to be a direct message to the former mayor.
