Claudia López announcements, today | Social and economic rescue of Bogotá – Bogotá


Bogotá Mayor Claudia López made a series of announcements this Thursday. It has been confirmed that there will also be explanations about the social and economic rescue measures in the midst of the reactivation.

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Initially, López referred to the joint work on the protocols for guaranteeing safety in social protest. “We hope this week to reach an agreement so that next Monday before the mobilization we will have the protocol,” he said and calculated that a document would be available on Sunday.

Then he jumped to the social needs that need to be addressed. “Unfortunately the pandemic has accentuated unemployment and poverty,” he emphasized.

He assured that a social and economic support plan, emphasized on young people and women above all, would cost 3.4 billion pesos: 1.6 would come from the District and 1.8 would come from the Nation (the proposal was submitted to the Government this week ).

The so-called ‘Social Agreement for Bogotá’ would consist of the following axes:

– Guaranteed minimum income: it would require an investment of 1.2 trillion pesos. Includes the Basic Income program.

– Education for young people: it would require an investment of 695 billion pesos to guarantee 60,000 higher education places. It includes the programs: Higher education quotas, Challenge to U 2.0, articulation with the media and SENA and Higher Education Institutions, quotas in the Seine among others.

– Guarantee of access to health: It would increase the partial subsidies for health care for people who make a transition between the contributory regime and the subsidized regime. It would cost 385 billion pesos

– Support for micro and independent companies: It would include expanding lines of credit and support and include entrepreneurs and independents. The programs would be: Credit for Independents with the National Guarantee Fund, Expand line of credit to Working Capital MiPymes with Bancoldex, Microenterprise line with the National Guarantee Fund, Employing Bogotá (Social Impact Bonus Scheme). Everything would require an investment of 117 billion pesos.

– Living place: It would allow job creation and reduction of the quantitative and qualitative housing deficit. It would include projects such as the Terrazas Plan, housing solutions – Home Improvement, Leasing Subsidy (SDA) and Housing Subsidies (SCV). It would imply injecting almost 194 billion pesos.

– Redistribution of care: It involves relieving women of care work to allow them greater access to educational and job opportunities. This would require investing 799 billion pesos in:

– Quotas in kindergartens
– Financial support for the elderly
– Financial support for people with disabilities
– Training quotas in Community Development Centers (CDC) in
co-financing with SENA
– Young people with conditional cash transfers
– Markets to female heads of household

“The true answer to the mobilization is a social agreement to reduce poverty and provide opportunities. That is the true protocol,” López commented during the presentation.

To continue reading:

– What is a post doing in the middle of a field in the Restrepo neighborhood?

– These 19 official schools will pilot back to school
